F-104 : Hydraulic System

Aa. S. Pedersen
Bok Dansk 1979

Aalborg : MPU Flyvestation AALBORG , 1979
37 s. : ill.
Published 1979. - TABLE OF CONTENTS: F-104 FLY - GENERELT, M-V-0180 • INDLEDNING Væske Pakninger Rørledninger Slangeforbindelser Quick Disconnects Swivel Couplings Væskepåfyldning • HYDRAULISK SYSTEM NR. 1 Komponenter i Nr. 1 Powersystem 1. Reservoire 2. Balanced Relief Valve 3. Pumpe (Kellog) 4. Ram Air Turbine (RAT) 5. Emergency Pump 6. Pressure Regulating Flow Control and Relief Valve 7. Akkumulator 8. Restrictor Valves (2 stk.) 9. Hydraulic Pressure Transmitter 10. Hydraulic Pressure Indicator 11. Pressure Switch 12. Check Valves (2 stk.) 13. Filter 14. Ground Test Selector Valve 15. Bleed Valve 16. Low Pressure Relief Valve 17. Air Bleed Valves 18. Air-Oil Separator • HYDRAULISK SYSTEM NR. 2 Komponenter i Nr. 2 Powersystem 19 Reservoir 20 Reservoir Relief Valve 21 Pump (Kellogg) 22 Som under punkt 7 23 Relief Valve (Balanced Type) 24 Som under punkt 8 25 Som under punkt 9 26 Som under punkt 10 27 Pressure Switch 28 Filtre 29 Check Valves 30 Priority Valve (Balanced Type) 31 Som under punkt 17 32 Som under punkt 18 33 U.A.R. Coblings 34 Reservoir Interflow Control • FIXED FREQUENCY GENERATOR 35 Shut-off Valve 36 Hyd. Motor (Vickers) 37 Check Valve 38 Heat Exchanger 39 Som under punkt 28 40 Start og Kørsel med FFG • ENGINE AIR BY-PASS FLAPS 41 Engine Air By-pass Flaps System 42 Selector Valve 43 Actuating Cylinders (2 stk.) 44 Restrictor Valve 45 Flaps • SPEED BRAKE 46 Speed Brake System 48 Control Switch 49 Control Relay (Automatic Closing) 50 Flow Equalizer Valve 51 Actuating Cylinders (2 stk.) 52 Controllable Check Valve 53 Speed Brake Flaps • LANDING GEAR 54 Landing Gear Mechanical 55 Keelson 56 Main Gear Yoke (Aluminiumslegering) 57 Main Landing Gear (Aluminiumslegering) 58 Main Gear Axle (One-piece Steel) 59 Som under punkt 111 60 Drag Strut Assembly 61 Liquid Spring 62 M.L.G. Dæk 63 M.L.G. Doors 64 Nose Landing Gear 65 Nose Gear Shock Strut 66 Nose Gear Drag Strut Assembly 67 Nose Gear Uplock Hook 68 N.L.G. Arbejdscylinder 69 N.L.G. Dæk 70 Landing Gear Hyd. System 71 Door Selector Valve 72 Door Actuating Cylinders 73 FWD Door Latches 74 Priority Valve (Balanced Type) 75 Restrictor Valve (One-Way) 76 One-Way Constant Flow Valve 77 Two-Way Constant Flow Valve 78 Gear Selector Valve 79 Actuating Cylinder 80 Downlock Cylinder 81 Aft Door Latches 82 Nose Gear Uplock 83 Restrictor Valves 84 One-Way Constant Flow Valve 85 Two-Way Constant Flow Valve 86 Dump Valve • LANDING GEAR MANUAL 87 Landing Gear Manual Release 88 L.G., Elektriske 89 L.G. Control Handle (Understelsvælgerhåndtag) 90 Kontakter og Relæer 91 Landing Gear Indication and Warning • NOSE WHEEL STEERING 92 Nose Wheel Steering 93 Shut-off Valve 94 Filter 95 Pressure Reducing Valve 96 Steer-Damp Unit 97 Restrictor Valve 98 Balanced Relief Valve • WHEEL BRAKE 99 Wheel Brake System 100 Power Brake Valves (2 stk.) 101 Stand-By Master Brake Reservoir 102 Check Valve 103 Balanced Relief Valve 104 Power Brake Shut-Off Valve 105 Anti-Skid Brake Control Valve (2 stk.) 106 Pressure Switch 107 Anti-Skid Warning Light (ikke monteret i CF fly) 108 Anti-Skid Control Box 109 Wheel Generator eller Skid Detectors 110 Brake Assembly 111 Fail-Safe Switch • FLIGHT CONTROL 112 Flight Controls 113 Stabilator 114 Cockpit Controls 115 Stabilator Input Linkage 116 Stabilator Servo Assembly 117 Aileron 118 Aileron Cockpit Control 119 Aft Aileron Torque Tube 120 Trimmotor 121 Trim Stop Actuator 122 Aileron Servo Assembly 123 Aileron Actuating Cylinder Assembly 124 Rudder 125 Rudder Cockpit Controls 126 Rudder Servo Input Quadrant Assembly 127 Rudder Servo Assembly 128 Rudder Actuating Cylinder Assemblies • TILLÆG FOR CF-104 FLY 45 Flaps 61 Liquid Spring 62 MLG Dæk 90 Kontakter 92 Nose Wheel Steering 107 Anti-Skid Warning Light 110 Brake Assembly 112 Flight Controls

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