Another saturday night : Classic recordings from the Louisiana bayous

Musikk på CD Engelsk 1990 · Americana
Allan, Johnnie (utøver)
Bruce, Vin (utøver)
Fran, Carol (utøver)
Jacobs, Donnie (utøver)
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London : Ace Records Ltd. , 1990
1 CD (53 min.) : digital
Ace Records Ltd.: CDCH 288. - Before I grow to old ; I'm a lonesome fugitive ; Try to find another man ; Jole Blon ; I cried ; Oh Lucille ; Who needs you so bad ; Don't mess with my man ; Opelousas sostan ; The great pretender ; Another saturday night ; Another sleepless night ; Promised land ; Two step de bayou teche ; Sweet dreams ; Breaking up is hard to do ; Laisser les cajuns dancer ; If you want good lovin' Downhome music ; Georgie Lou. - Tommy McLain ; Belton Richard ; Clint West ; Vin Bruce ; Cookie & His Cupckaes ; Gary Walker ; Margo White ; Rufus Jagneaux ; Carol Fran ; Johnnie Allan ; Austin Pitre ; Donnie Jacobs ; Cajun Gold

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