The writing of the walls : architectural theory in the late enlightenment

Anthony Vidler
Bok Engelsk 1989
New York : Princeton architectural press , 1989
vii, 230, [2] s. : ill. (s./h.)
Først utgitt cop.1987, dette er 2. opplag. - Har register. - Rebiolding the primitive hut : tye return to origins from Lafitau to Laugier -- Spaces of production : factories and workshops in the Encyclopédie -- The theater of industry : Ledoux and the factory-village of Chaux -- Confinement and cure : reforming the hospital, 1770-1789 -- The design of punishment : concepts of the prison before the revolution -- The architecture of the lodges : rituals and symbols of freemasonry -- Asylums of libertinage : De Sade, Fourier, Lequeu -- The aesthetics of history : Winckelmann and the Greek ideal -- Symbolic architecture : Viel de Saint-Maux and the decipherment of antiquity -- From the hut to the temple : quatremère de Quincy and the idea of type -- Architecture in the museum : didactic narratives from Boullée to Lenoir -- The decline and fall of architecture : style and epoch in Gibbon and Séroux of Agincourt
Arkitektur - Frankrike
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