Lutheran convergence? : an analysis of the Lutheran responses to the convergence document "Baptism, Eucharist and ministry" of the World Council of Churches Faith anf Order Commission

Michael Seils
Bok Engelsk 1988
Geneva : Lutheran World Federation , 1988
174 s.
Tysk parallellutgave med tittlen: Lutherische Konvergenz? : Analyse der lutherischen Stellungnahmen zu den Konvergenzerklärungen "Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt" ...
World Council of Churches . Faith and Order Commission : (NO-TrBIB)90219114
Baptism, eucharist, and ministry : (NO-TrBIB)90365864
økumenikk limadokumentet ekumenikk sakramenter dåp nattverd embete resepsjon

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