National Geographic 2012

Bok Engelsk 2012 · IB periodicals


    Digital utgave: Hjemmeside
    Løpende b. : ill.
    Bestilt til IB v/Liina. - Bilag til nr.5 : 1863 Turning point of the civil war (North America) , oppbevares i skranken. - Bilag til nr.9 : Mauna Kea. The world`s tallest mountain, oppbevares i skranken. - ---. - Av innholdet:. - Nr.10: Ivory Worship - Leaves - A new face for Rio, The olympic host for 2016 - Mesoamerican Reef - Nepal's sku caves - wild squatters. - Nr.11: Cuba`s new now - Launch of the Penguins - Vikings and Native Americans - Sailing over sand dunes - cheetahs race to survive - Arkansas delta, then and now. - Nr.12: The tunnels of Gaza - Finding every bird of paradise - fracking Methane A spirited Revival for Shamans - The lost World of doggerland. - Nr.1: Twins secret - Panama's Big Dig - The cold patrol (It's 25 degrees below in Greenland. Polar bears lurk. That doesnnt faze the dogsled patrol) - The healing fields ("One less land mine, one less child without a leg." Cambodia recovers) - Hyperactive Zone (Africa`s Afar depression has swallowed camels, spit up a lava lake, and created salt) -. - Nr.2: New trics from old dogs - Studying tsunamis - Oil-rich new Kazakhstan's capital - Leonardo...or not - Vermilion Clifs - Meakambut Life. - Nr.3: Wayfaring Apostles - Arabian Seas - Rocs on a Roll - Rhino Wars - Marseille Miracle - Bound for Europe. - Nr.4: Titanic, what really happend - A Death-Defying K2 climb - African masks that make magic - why flamingos stick together - Brazil`s secret slave societies. - Nr.5: Civil war Scenes - Manakins - Egypt - Island - rescuing Koalas. - Nr.6:. - Nr.8: Life after Wounded Knee - East side story,London - What a dive, Gannets - Chasing lightning - Tibetan Gold. - Nr.9: Weather gone wild - Texas Drought - Marine Mountains - Trouble in Yemen - An empire`s edges - Roma Kings. - nr.7: Easter Island Quest - Epic Storms - Vanishing Voices -Antartic Fire - Russian summer
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    Nkr. 910.00

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