Ruby on Rails Bible

Timothy. Fisher
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Chichester : : Wiley, , 2009.
1 online resource (627 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Ruby On Rails Bible; About the Author; Credits; Acknowledgments; Contents at a Glance; Contents; Introduction; Ruby on Rails Quick Start; Installing Instant Rails on Windows; Installing Ruby and Rails on Mac OS X and Linux; Setting up a Development Environment; Summary; Part I: First Steps with Rails; Chapter 1: Learning Ruby; The Nature of Ruby; Object Oriented Programming; The Basics of Ruby; Classes, Objects, and Variables; Built-in Classes and Modules; Control Flow; Organizing Code with Modules; Advanced Ruby Techniques; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started with Rails. - ActionViewEmbedded Ruby; Layouts; Partials; Helpers; JavaScript, Ajax, and RJS; Summary; Part III: Developing a Complete Rails Application; Chapter 6: Developing Book Shelf: The Basic Framework; Application Overview; Creating a Skeleton for the Application; Create a Home Page; Implementing Users; Summary; Chapter 7 :Developing Book Shelf: Adding the Core Functionality; Adding Support for Books; Refactor the sidebar code; Integrating with Amazon; Implementing a Search; Implementing the Addition and Deletion of Books; Displaying a User's Books; Implementing the Book Detail Page; Summary. - Chapter 8: Developing Book Shelf: Social SupportAdding Social Support; Implementing Tagging; Implementing Book Reviews; Implementing Book Ratings; Extending the Application; Summary; Chapter 9: Testing the Book Shelf Application; Why Test?; Using Test:: Unit; Testing in Rails; Setting Up a Test Database; Functional Tests; Unit Tests; Integration Tests; Running All Tests; Test Coverage; Debugging Techniques; Summary; Part IV: Advanced Rails; Chapter 10: Using Prototype and; Prototype,, and Rails; Prototype Overview; Extensions to JavaScript; OOP with Prototype. - Database Migrations. - Event HandlingAjax; script. aculo. us Overview; Visual Effects; Controls; Drag and Drop; JavaScript Testing; Summary; Chapter 11: Extending Rails; Beyond the Core; Generators; Plugins; Summary of Useful Plugins; Engines; Summary; Chapter 12: Advanced Topics; Beyond the Basics; RESTful Rails; Working with Legacy Databases; Using ActionMailer; ActiveResource and XML; Deploying with Capistrano; Summary; Part V: Appendixes; Appendix A: Ruby Quick Reference; Basic Ruby Syntax; Objects and Classes; Appendix B: Ruby on Rails Guide; Getting Started; Controllers and Helpers; Views; Models. - What is Ruby on Rails?Rails Architecture; Rails Scripts; Your First Rails Application; More to Get You Started; Summary; Part II: Rails In Depth; Chapter 3: Using Active Record; What is Active Record?; Active Record Basics; Setting up a Model; Using Migrations; Create, Read, Update, and Delete; Defining Relationships; Implementing Validations; Custom Validations; Advanced Active Record; Summary; Chapter 4: Controller: In Depth; What is ActionController?; All About Routing; Creating and Using Controllers; Using Filters; Working with Sessions; Caching; Summary; Chapter 5: View: In Depth. - Thanks to the explosive growth in popularity of the Rails framework, the equally popular Ruby programming language now has a great place to hang its hat. The powerful combination of the two provides the perfect toolset to create Web applications that feature concise code, clean syntax, and easy maintenance. This must-have book is your best guide on how to jump on the RoR bandwagon-from the basics of Ruby programming to advanced techniques for experienced Rails developers.
978-0-470-25822-4(h.) : Nkr 349.00

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