Improvisation in drama

Anthony Frost Anthony Frost and Ralph Yarrow
Bok Engelsk 2016
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007
X, 269 s.
2nd ed.
1st ed . Basingstoke : Mcmillan Education, 1999 og New York : St. Martin's Press, 1990. med tittelen: Improvisation in drama. - 2nd ed. 2007. - Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction and Preface to the Third Edition -- PART I: WHO? MAJOR PRACTITIONERS OF IMPROVISATION -- Improvisation in training, rehearsal practice and writing (Europe and the UK) -- The improv scene (USA) -- Improvisation in the creation of new modes of performance -- Improvisations for change: 'Paratheatre', participation and performance work beyond the stage -- PART II: WHAT? THE PRACTICE OF IMPROVISATION: IMPROVISATION EXERCISES -- Preparation -- Working together -- Moving towards performance -- Improvisation for Scene-Building -- PART III: WHY? THE MEANINGS OF IMPROVISATION: TOWARDS A POETICS -- Enriching the communication of meaning -- Meaning and performance.
978-1-137-34810-4 : GB£ 22. - 978-1-137-34811-1 : GB£ 65

Andre utgaver/formater

Improvisation in drama
Anthony Frost and Ralph Yarrow

Bok · Engelsk · 1990

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