Jews and God-fearers at Aphrodisias : Greek inscriptions with commentary : texts from the excavations at Aphrodisias conducted by Kenan T. Erim
Joyce Reynolds and Robert Tannenbaum
Bok Språk ikke angitt 1987
Utgitt | Cambridge : Cambridge Philological Society , 1987
Omfang | ix, 149 s. : ill.
Emner | Aphrodisias (Extinct city)
Inscriptions, Greek - Turkey Aphrodisias (Extinct city) Jews - Turkey Aphrodisias (Extinct city) Proselytes and proselyting, Jewish jødedom-historie 1-499 tyrkia innskrifter greske byer sosiale strukturer rettsforhold jøder kristne hellenistisk-romersk område vest-lilleasia afrodisias |
ISBN | 0906014085