Send me their souls

Sara Wolf
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Fantasy
Fort Collins : Entangled teen , 2020
438 sider
Alder: Ungdom fra 13 år. - Engelsk tekst. - Serieangivelsen er hentet fra Goodreads. - innbundet. - "That little beating thing in your hand, Your Highness," I say, "doesn't make someone human. It makes their chest a little heavier, their body a little louder. It gives them a drumbeat to march to, a compass to navigate by when the sun goes down. But it's not the thing that makes one human." His fist holding my heart wilts, his browns knitting. "Then...what does?" My smile breaks in two. I know what I have to do now. No-I've always known, since that night at the Hunt, when my body reacted before I did. Something in me has always known. "What makes us human is a feeling," I start. "A feeling I get when I'm with you."

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