The english carol book : complete edition

music edited by Martin Shaw, words edited by Percy Dearmer
Musikknoter Uten språklig innhold 1938 · korpartiturer
108 sider
1. A child this day is born -- 2. A virgin most pure, as the prophet do tell -- 3. Angelus ad virginem (came the archangel) -- 4. As up the wood I took my way -- 5. The babe in Bethlem's manger laid -- 6. Cherry-tree carol (Joseph was an old man) -- 7. Christ is born! -- 8. Corpus christi carol (over yonder's a park which is newly begun) -- 9. The first Nowell that the angel did say -- 10. This new christmas carol -- 11. God rest you merry, gentlemen -- 12. God's dear son without beginning -- 13. Good king Wenceslas looked out -- 14. Here we come a-wassailing -- 15. The holly and the ivy -- 16. The holly well (as it fell out one May) -- 17. Hominum laudes (Christ, hath Christ's mother) -- 18. I saw three ships come sailing in -- 19. In dulci jubilo -- 20. Jacob's ladder (as Jacob with travel) -- 21. Tschaikowsky's legend: the crown of roses (when Jesus Christ) -- 22. The new Adam (the Lord at first did Adam make) -- 23. The praise of Christmas (all hail to the days that merit more praise) -- 24. Remember, O thou man -- 25. The salutation carol (Nowell, Nowell, this is the salutation) -- 26. The seven joys of Mary (the first good joy our Mary had) -- 27. The snow lies thick upon the earth -- 28. Three kings in great glory of horses and men -- 29. Unto us is born a son -- 30. The wait's song (the moon shines bright) -- 31. When Jesus Christ was twelve years old -- 32. When righteous Joseph wedded was -- 33. A babe is born all of may -- 34.Bethlehem (dans cette étable) -- 35. Ben Jonson's carol (I sing the birth) -- 36. Boar's head carol (the boar's head in hand bear I) -- 37. Candlemas eve (down with the rosemary and bays) -- 38. Coventry carol (o sisters too) -- 39. Falcon carol (he bare him up) -- 40. Gallery carol (rejoice and be merry) -- 41. I saw three ships come sailing by -- 42. Kings of orient (we three kings of Orient are) -- 43. In excelsis gloria (when Christ was born of Mary free) -- 44. May-day Garland (I've brought you here a bunch of may!) -- 45. O lovely voices of the sky -- 46. New prince, new pomp (behold a simple tender babe) -- 47. "Noel, Noel, Noel," sang the church bell -- 48. Snow in the street (from far away) -- 49. Somerset carol (come all you worthy gentlemen) -- 50. The world is old to-night -- 51. This endris night I saw a sight -- 52. Welcome Yule (welcome be thou) -- 53. What child is this, who, laid to rest -- 54. Yeoman's carol (let christians all)
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