The Republican Workers Party: how the Trump victory drove everyone crazy, and why it was just what we needed

F.H. Buckley
Bok Engelsk
Encounter Books
1 online resource (208 p.)
How the hell did we get here? -- A new party is born -- A time for choosing -- How we reached a dead end -- The Republican Workers Party emerges -- The campaign takes shape -- What I saw of the revolution -- A soldier in the Republican Civil War -- Meetings with remarkable people -- Decline -- Shadowlands -- Did we really decline? -- Where did the dream go? -- Fathers and sons -- The dream moves North -- What is the Republican Workers Party? -- Two-dimensional man -- How the Republican Workers Party occupies the sweet spot -- How the Democrats ended up in the loser quadrant -- Why social conservatives are economic liberals -- Nationalism -- Dishing the whigs -- Suspect nationalism -- Liberal nationalism -- Liberty, equality, fraternity -- How to bring back our mojo -- Two-tier schools -- Maids and gardeners for the new class -- The new class' briar patch -- What is a jobs president? -- Tax reform -- Skills training -- Welfare reform -- Foreign policy and infrastructure spending --Trade barriers? -- Draining the swamp -- Back to Justinian -- Back to Andrew Jackson -- Lobbyists -- Breaking up the monasteries -- Private foundations -- Higher education -- Social media -- How the constitution created the Republican Workers Party -- Indifference and greatness -- Which side are you on? -- Redneck porn -- The wretched of the earth -- Two solitudes -- The plea of impossibility -- The anatomy of indifference -- Unlearning empathy -- Conservative indifference -- Economism -- Natural rights -- Blaming the victim -- The dandy -- Heroic materialism -- Liberal indifference -- Marxism -- Identity politics -- Our rawlsian world -- Pascalian meditations -- What is greatness?.. - The Republican Workers Party is the future of American presidential politics, says F.H. Buckley. It's a socially conservative but economically middle-of-the-road party, offering a way back to the land of opportunity where our children will have it better than we did. That is the American Dream, and Donald Trump's promise to restore it is what brought him to the White House. As a Trump speechwriter and key transition advisor, Buckley has an inside view on what &quote;Make America Great Again&quote; really means-how it represents a program to restore the American Dream as well as a defense of nationalism rooted in a sense of fraternity with all fellow Americans. The call to greatness was a repudiation of the cruel hypocrisy of America's New Class, the dominant 10 percent who deploy the language of egalitarianism while jealously guarding their own privileges. The New Class talks like Jacobins but behaves like Bourbons. Its members claim to support equality and social mobility, but resist the very policies that promote mobility and equality: a choice of good schools for everyone's children, not just the well-to-do; a sensible immigration policy that doesn't benefit elites at the expense of average Americans; and regulatory reform to trim back the impediments that frustrate competitive enterprise. It isn't complicated. What's been lacking is political will. This book pulls no punches in describing how liberals and conservatives had become indifferent to those left behind. On the left, identity politics offered an excuse to hate an ideological enemy. On the right, a tired conservatism defined itself through policies that callously ignored the welfare of the bottom 90 percent. Trump told us that both Left and Right had betrayed the American people, and his Republican Workers Party promises to renew the American Dream. Buckley shows how it will do so.
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