Das Nikemonument von Samothrake und der Kampf der Bilder

Johannes Christian Bernhardt.
Bok Engelsk

Das Nikemonument in der Forschung -- Das Nikemonument und Demetrios Poliorketes -- Das Nikemonument und das Kabiren heiligtum -- These und Ausblick.. - Although the Nike of Samothrace has exercised a particular charm over modern viewers since its discovery in 1863, scholars have not been able to reach a deeper understanding of its historical significance. This study reappraises the complex debate of the dating and historical meaning of the statue, places the evidence in a historical context, and investigates the original installation of the Nike statue in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace. The result is a new understanding of the Nike of Samothrace as the work of the Diadochi and as a beacon in a protracted conflict over imagery.

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