Microsoft Office 365 : all-in-one for dummies /

Peter Weverka, Matt Wade.
Bok Engelsk 2022 · Håndbøker
xxvi, 932 sider : illustrasjoner
2nd edition
Book 1 Common Office Tasks -- Chapter 1 Office Nuts and Bolts -- Introducing Office 365 -- Office 365 applications -- Office 365 cloud services -- Finding out what software and Office version you have -- Managing your Microsoft account -- Finding Your Way Around the Office Interface -- The File tab and Backstage -- The Quick Access toolbar -- The Ribbon and its tabs -- Context-sensitive tabs -- The anatomy of a tab -- Mini-toolbars and shortcut menus -- Office 365 for keyboard lovers -- Saving Your Files -- Saving a file -- Saving a file for the first time -- Saving AutoRecovery information -- Navigating the Save As and Open Windows -- Opening and Closing Files -- Reading and Recording File Properties -- Locking a File with a Password -- Password-protecting a file -- Removing a password from a file -- Trusting (or not Trusting) Microsoft with Your "Content" -- Chapter 2 Wrestling with the Text -- Manipulating the Text -- Selecting text -- Moving and copying text -- Taking advantage of the Clipboard task pane -- Deleting text -- Speaking, not Typing, the Words -- Changing the Look of Text -- Choosing fonts for text -- Changing the font size of text -- Applying font styles to text -- Applying text effects to text -- Underlining text -- Changing the color of text -- Quick Ways to Handle Case, or Capitalization -- Entering Symbols and Foreign Characters -- Creating Hyperlinks -- Linking a hyperlink to a web page -- Creating a hyperlink to another place in your file -- Creating an email hyperlink -- Repairing and removing hyperlinks -- Chapter 3 Speed Techniques Worth Knowing About -- Undoing and Repeating Commands -- Undoing a mistake.. - All About Styles -- Styles and templates -- Types of styles -- Applying Styles to Text and Paragraphs -- Applying a style -- Experimenting with style sets -- Choosing which style names appear on the Style menus -- Creating a New Style -- Creating a style from a paragraph -- Creating a style from the ground up -- Modifying a Style -- Creating and Managing Templates -- Creating a new template -- Opening a template so that you can modify it -- Modifying, deleting, and renaming styles in templates -- Chapter 4 Constructing the Perfect Table -- Talking Table Jargon -- Creating a Table -- Entering the Text and Numbers -- Selecting Different Parts of a Table -- Laying Out Your Table -- Changing the size of a table, columns, and rows -- Adjusting column and row size -- Inserting columns and rows -- Deleting columns and rows -- Moving columns and rows -- Aligning Text in Columns and Rows -- Merging and Splitting Cells -- Repeating Header Rows on Subsequent Pages -- Formatting Your Table -- Designing a table with a table style -- Calling attention to different rows and columns -- Decorating your table with borders and colors -- Using Math Formulas in Tables -- Neat Table Tricks -- Changing the direction of header row text -- Wrapping text around a table -- Using a picture as the table background -- Drawing diagonal lines on tables -- Drawing on a table -- Chapter 5 Taking Advantage of the Proofing Tools -- Correcting Your Spelling Errors -- Correcting misspellings one at a time -- Running a spell check -- Preventing text from being spell checked -- Correcting Grammatical Errors -- Refining Your Work with the Editor -- Finding and Replacing Text -- The basics: Finding stray words and phrases -- Narrowing your search -- Conducting a find-and-replace operation -- Finding the Right Word with the Thesaurus -- Proofing Text Written in a Foreign Language.. - Rearranging document sections in Outline view -- Collapsing and Expanding Parts of a Document -- Generating a Table of Contents -- Creating a TOC -- Updating and removing a TOC -- Customizing a TOC -- Changing the structure of a TOC -- Indexing a Document -- Marking index items in the document -- Generating the index -- Editing an index -- Putting Cross-References in a Document -- Putting Footnotes and Endnotes in Documents -- Entering a footnote or endnote -- Choosing the numbering scheme and position of notes -- Deleting, moving, and editing notes -- Compiling a Bibliography -- Inserting a citation for your bibliography -- Editing a citation -- Changing how citations appear in text -- Generating the bibliography -- Book 3 Excel 365 -- Chapter 1 Up and Running with Excel -- Creating a New Excel Workbook -- Getting Acquainted with Excel -- Rows, columns, and cell addresses -- Workbooks and worksheets -- Entering Data in a Worksheet -- The basics of entering data -- Entering text labels -- Entering numeric values -- Entering date and time values -- Quickly Entering Lists and Serial Data with the AutoFill Command -- Formatting Numbers, Dates, and Time Values -- Establishing Data-Validation Rules -- Chapter 2 Refining Your Worksheet -- Editing Worksheet Data -- Moving Around in a Worksheet -- Getting a Better Look at the Worksheet -- Freezing and splitting columns and rows -- Hiding columns and rows -- Notes for Documenting Your Worksheet -- Comments for Collaborating with Others on a Workbooks -- Selecting Cells in a Worksheet -- Deleting, Copying, and Moving Data -- Handling the Worksheets in a Workbook -- Keeping Others from Tampering with Worksheets -- Hiding a worksheet -- Protecting a worksheet -- Chapter 3 Formulas and Functions for Crunching Numbers -- How Formulas Work -- Referring to cells in formulas -- Referring to formula results in formulas.. - Repeating an action - and quicker this time -- Zooming In, Zooming Out -- Viewing a File Through More Than One Window -- Correcting Typos on the Fly -- Entering Text Quickly with the AutoCorrect Command -- Book 2 Word 365 -- Chapter 1 Speed Techniques for Using Word -- Introducing the Word Screen -- Creating a New Document -- Getting a Better Look at Your Documents -- Viewing documents in different ways -- Splitting the screen -- Selecting Text in Speedy Ways -- Moving Around Quickly in Documents -- Keys for getting around quickly -- Navigating from page to page or heading to heading -- Going there fast with the Go To command -- Bookmarks for hopping around -- Inserting a Whole File into a Document -- Getting Word to Read It -- Entering Information Quickly in a Computerized Form -- Creating a computerized form -- Entering data in the form -- Chapter 2 Laying Out Text and Pages -- Paragraphs and Formatting -- Inserting a Section Break for Formatting Purposes -- Breaking a Line -- Starting a New Page -- Setting Up and Changing the Margins -- Indenting Paragraphs and First Lines -- Clicking an Indent button (for left-indents) -- "Eyeballing" it with the ruler -- Indenting in the Paragraph dialog box -- Numbering the Pages -- Numbering with page numbers only -- Including a page number in a header or footer -- Changing page number formats -- Putting Headers and Footers on Pages -- Creating, editing, and removing headers and footers -- Fine-tuning a header or footer -- Adjusting the Space Between Lines -- Adjusting the Space Between Paragraphs -- Creating Numbered and Bulleted Lists -- Simple numbered and bulleted lists -- Constructing lists of your own -- Managing a multilevel list -- Working with Tabs -- Hyphenating Text -- Automatically and manually hyphenating a document -- Unhyphenating and other hyphenation tasks -- Chapter 3 Word Styles.. - Telling Office which languages you will use -- Marking text as foreign language text -- Translating Foreign Language Text -- Chapter 6 Desktop Publishing with Word -- Experimenting with Themes -- Sprucing Up Your Pages -- Decorating a page with a border -- Putting a background color on pages -- Getting Word's help with cover letters -- Making Use of Charts, Diagrams, Shapes, and Photos -- Working with the Drawing Canvas -- Positioning and Wrapping Objects Relative to the Page and Text -- Wrapping text around an object -- Positioning an object on a page -- Working with Text Boxes -- Inserting a text box -- Making text flow from text box to text box -- Dropping In a Drop Cap -- Watermarking for the Elegant Effect -- Putting Newspaper-Style Columns in a Document -- Doing the preliminary work -- Running text into columns -- Landscape Documents -- Printing on Different Size Paper -- Showing Online Video in a Document -- Chapter 7 Getting Word's Help with Office Chores -- Highlighting Parts of a Document -- Commenting on a Document -- Entering comments -- Viewing and displaying comments -- Replying to and resolving comments -- Caring for and feeding comments -- Tracking Changes to Documents -- Telling Word to start marking changes -- Reading and reviewing a document with revision marks -- Marking changes when you forgot to turn on revision marks -- Accepting and rejecting changes to a document -- Printing an Address on an Envelope -- Printing a Single Address Label (Or a Page of the Same Label) -- Churning Out Letters, Envelopes, and Labels for Mass Mailings -- Preparing the source file -- Merging the document with the source file -- Printing form letters, envelopes, and labels -- Chapter 8 Tools for Reports and Scholarly Papers -- Alphabetizing a List -- Outlines for Organizing Your Work -- Viewing the outline in different ways.. - With the latest edition of Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, you'll get a grip on some of the most popular and effective office software on the planet, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, and Teams.
Office 365 Excel 365 Word 365 PowerPoint 365 Outlook 365 Access 365 Publisher 365 Microsoft Teams
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