JavaScript for Kids : A Playful Introduction to Programming

Nick. Morgan
Bok Engelsk 2014 · Electronic books.

Lipovaéca, Miran (Illustrator)
San Francisco : : No Starch Press, , 2014.
1 online resource (338 p.)
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Description based upon print version of record.. - About the Author; Brief Contents; Contents in Detail; Introduction; Who Should Read This Book?; How to Read This Book; What's in This Book?; Have Fun!; Part I: Fundamentals; Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript?; Meet JavaScript; Why Learn JavaScript?; Writing Some JavaScript; The Structure of a JavaScript Program; Syntax; Comments ; What You Learned; Chapter 2: Data Types and Variables; Numbers and Operators; Variables; Naming Variables; Creating New Variables Using Math; Incrementing and Decrementing; += (plus-equals) and -= (minus-equals); Strings; Joining Strings; Finding the Length of a String. - Getting a Single Character from a StringCutting Up Strings; Changing Strings to All Capital or All Lowercase Letters; Booleans; Logical Operators; Comparing Numbers with Booleans; undefined and null; What You Learned; Chapter 3: Arrays; Why Should You Care About Arrays?; Creating an Array; Accessing an Array's Elements; Setting or Changing Elements in an Array; Mixing Data Types in an Array; Working with Arrays; Finding the Length of an Array; Adding Elements to an Array; Removing Elements from an Array; Adding Arrays; Finding the Index of an Element in an Array. - Programming Challenges. - Storing Information About Your MoviesWhat You Learned; Programming Challenges; #1: Scorekeeper; #2: Digging into Objects and Arrays; Chapter 5: The Basics of HTML; Text Editors; Our First HTML Document; Tags and Elements; Heading Elements; The p Element; Whitespace in HTML and Block-Level Elements; Inline Elements; A Full HTML Document; HTML Hierarchy; Adding Links to Your HTML; Link Attributes; Title Attributes; What You Learned; Chapter 6: Conditionals and Loops; Embedding JavaScript in HTML; Conditionals; if Statements; if...else Statements; Chaining if...else Statements; Loops; while Loops. - Turning an Array into a StringUseful Things to Do with Arrays; Finding Your Way Home; Decision Maker; Creating a Random Insult Generator; What You Learned; Programming Challenges; #1: New Insults; #2: More Sophisticated Insults; #3: Use + or join?; #4: Joining Numbers; Chapter 4: Objects; Creating Objects; Keys Without Quotes; Accessing Values in Objects; Adding Values to Objects; Adding Keys with Dot Notation; Combining Arrays and Objects; An Array of Friends; Exploring Objects in the Console; Useful Things to Do with Objects; Keeping Track of Owed Money. - for LoopsWhat You Learned; Programming Challenges; #1: Awesome Animals; #2: Random String Generator; #3: h4ck3r sp34k ; Chapter 7: Creating a Hangman Game; Interacting with a Player; Creating a Prompt; Using Confirm to Ask a Yes or No Question; Using Alerts to Give a Player Information; Why Use alert Instead of console.log?; Designing Your Game; Using Pseudocode to Design the Game; Tracking the State of the Word; Designing the Game Loop; Coding the Game; Choosing a Random Word; Creating the Answer Array; Coding the Game Loop; Ending the Game; The Game Code; What You Learned. - JavaScript is the programming language of the Internet, the secret sauce that makes the Web awesome, your favorite sites interactive, and online games fun! JavaScript for Kids is a lighthearted introduction that teaches programming essentials through patient, step-by-step examples paired with funny illustrations. You'll begin with the basics, like working with strings, arrays, and loops, and then move on to more advanced topics, like building interactivity with jQuery and drawing graphics with Canvas. Along the way, you'll write games such as Find the Buried Treasure, Hangman, and Snake. You'l

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