The white tiger

Aravind Adiga
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Romanar
London : Atlantic , 2009
321 s.
Balram Halwai, the White Tiger, er den smarteste gutten i byen. Men familien hans er for fattige til å la han fullføre skolen. En rik mann ansetter han som sjåfør og tar han med for å bo i Delhi. Byen blir en åpenbaring for han. Mens han kjører sin herre omkring, blir han klar over velstand og muligheter han aldri har visst at fantes, og som han selv aldri vil få tilgang til. White Tiger finner ut at den eneste måten han kan få ta den i det glamorøse nye India, er å myrde sin herre. Boken gir et uromantisk bilde av den nye India, fra slum til nye teknologiske sentre. White Tiger er selv fortellerstemmen, og er overraskende amoralsk, kynisk og uten anger, men allikevel kjærlig. Forfatteren er debutant, og romanen blir betegnet som politisk og provoserende. Rettighetene er solgt til 14 land, og utkommer på norsk i løpet av 2008. - Dette er historien om gründeren Balram Halwai. Romanen forteller om klassereisen han foretar fra en liten landsby i det dypeste India, til Balram blir en rik og vellykket mann i dagens Bangalore. Boken er samtidig en fortelling om dagens India. - Handlingen i "Hvit tiger" er lagt til dagens India. Balram Halwai er en komplisert mann. I løpet av sju netter forteller han den grusomme og forheksede historien om hvordan han gjorde lykke. I denne politiske romanen, som er forfatterens debut, tas leseren med til noe helt annet enn det krydderduftende og fargerike landet vi er vant til å lese om.. - Meet Balram Halwai, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, murderer. Balram was born in a backwater village on the River Ganges, the son of a rickshaw-puller. He works in a teashop, crushing coal and wiping tables, but nurses a dream of escape. When he learns that a rich village landlord needs a chauffeur, he takes his opportunity, and is soon on his way to Delhi at the wheel of a Honda. Amid today's India's cockroaches and call-centres, its 36,000,004 gods, slums, shopping malls, and crippling traffic jams, Balram learns of a new morality at the heart of a new India. Driven by desire to better himself, he comes to see how the Tiger might escape his cage ... through murder. - WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2008Balram Halwai is the White Tiger - the smartest boy in his village. His family is too poor for him to afford for him to finish school and he has to work in a teashop, breaking coals and wiping tables. But Balram gets his break when a rich man hires him as a chauffeur, and takes him to live in Delhi. The city is a revelation. As he drives his master to shopping malls and call centres, Balram becomes increasingly aware of immense wealth and opportunity all around him, while knowing that he will never be able to gain access to that world. As Balram broods over his situation, he realizes that there is only one way he can become part of this glamorous new India - by murdering his master. The White Tiger presents a raw and unromanticised India, both thrilling and shocking - from the desperate, almost lawless villages along the Ganges, to the booming Wild South of Bangalore and its technology and outsourcing centres. The first-person confession of a murderer, The White Tiger is as compelling for its subject matter as for the voice of its narrator - amoral, cynical, unrepentant, yet deeply endearing
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813 . - 82 . - 954

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