Towards a pedagogy of higher education : the Bologna process, didaktik and teaching

Gunnlaugur Magnússon and Johannes Rytzler
Bok Engelsk 2022 Gunnlaugur Magnusson
x, 151 sider 24 cm
Acknowledgements // Preface //Introduction // Part 1: The Current Paradigms of Higher Education / Chapter 1 Shifting Views on Higher Education / Chapter 2 Policy Matters / Chapter 3 University pedagogy, the Bologna Process, and Constructive Alignment // Part 2: Reconnecting Higher Education and Pedagogy / Chapter 4 Forgotten Connections: The Central Questions of Pedagogy / Chapter 5 Rancière’s Pedagogical Paradox and the Response of Didaktik / Chapter 6 The Morphology of Teaching: Troubling Didaktik with Relational Philosophy // Part 3: Towards a Theory of Teaching in Higher Education / Chapter 7 Existential Risks and Transformative Potentials / Chapter 8 Rethinking the Paradoxes of Teacher Education with Didaktik / Chapter 9 Rethinking University Pedagogy. - Towards a Pedagogy of Higher Education illustrates how international policy shifts, primarily the Bologna-process, have affected debates around both the purpose and organisation of higher education at different levels. This book formulates a theory of teaching in higher education which is grounded in educational theory, contributing to a critical perspective on current ideal forms of higher education and a deeper understanding of the pedagogical role of the university. It illustrates how international policies affect conceptualizations of the purpose of higher education and critically examines the pedagogy of higher education in order to develop a comprehensive educational theory for teaching in higher education. The book illustrates the consequences of discursive ideals of education on teaching practices and provides a theoretical framework for new thinking on higher education. Offering a unique contribution that combines policy analyses, curriculum theory, and educational theory, this book will appeal to academics, scholars and post graduate students in the field of higher education research and teaching, educational theory and educational policy.

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