The 3 regional human rights courts in context : justice that cannot be taken for granted

Laurence Burgorgue- Larsen, translated from the French by Ciarán Ó Faoláin
Bok Engelsk 2024 Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen
xxxix, 536 sider
Notes on the Translation List of Abbreviations Table of Cases Introduction: Singular Justice1:Creation Part I: Evolution 2:Efficacy: A Major Challenge 3:Shaky Legitimacy Part II: Interpretation 4:Decompartmentalisation as a Fact 5:The Effects of Decompartmentalisation Part III: Application 6:Persuasive Synergies 7:Synergies of Control Conclusion: What Does the Future Hold, between the Past and the Present? Bibliography Index of Topics Index of Names. - At specific moments in the history of Africa, Europe, and Latin America, each region decided to create supranational jurisdictions to protect human rights. These are, in chronological order, the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. While each has been the subject of important, dedicated monographs, no major study has analysed both the institutional and jurisprudential issues of all three regional systems.The 3 Regional Human Rights Courts in Context: Justice That Cannot Be Taken for Granted is the first book to offer a comprehensive comparison of the three systems. Rather than merely juxtaposing analogous features, the book considers how the three courts operate as parts of a greater, integrated whole. Similarities and differences between the courts are illuminated alongside historical, political, and sociological insights, in addition to the book's primary legal focus.Close analysis of the processes by which the courts came into being makes it clear that, regardless of distinct political, cultural, or other variances, states on each of the three continents have chafed against international supervision. The book also debunks the common belief that, after the Second World War, the thrust of human rights initiatives was so powerful that states no longer need to discuss them. Justice cannot be taken for granted—a position further supported by the book's analysis of how each court has evolved and how their rulings have been implemented.Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen's dynamism and multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to truly understand the stakes behind the institutional and jurisprudential developments of the three regional human rights courts. This is a book that will interest not only legal practitioners but also specialists in international relations, human rights, and countless other fields.. - "An abstract is a short description of your longer piece of work and is used as a free layer of content discoverable online. An abstract should not attempt to summarise the whole work as it is also there to show readers whether or not reading further is warranted. It is used to allow people searching on the internet to see that they have encountered a worthwhile 'hit'. This will encourage them to read further by clicking through to the work in full"--
European Court of Human Rights : (NO-TrBIB)90347717
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