The BHP Foundation's Education Equity Program: Midterm Evaluation Findings (2018–2022)

Benjamin K. Master
Bok Engelsk 2023
Annen tittel
RAND Corporation , 2023
This midterm evaluation report is intended to summarize the progress to date of the BHP Foundation's Education Equity (EE) program, identify lessons learned, and recommend potential ways to strengthen the program going forward. In its first funding window, the program has supported five partner organizations (partners), whose efforts span diverse country contexts and target learners both within and outside formal educational systems. The authors' evaluation is designed to assess the program's impacts, share formative insights to inform its continuous improvement, and provide recommendations related to its strategy and theory of change. The authors also present stand-alone case studies that dig deeper into specific strands of the program's work. These analyses of program impacts are organized around the program's initially established goals and theory of change, though the authors recognize that the program strategy continues to evolve. The report also presents an update on the next steps currently being considered by program leaders, and it outlines the potential implications of lessons learned to date for the broader field. The results should also be interpreted with consideration of disruptions caused by the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which delayed or forced adaptations to some of the school- and place-based activities initially envisioned by program partners. The primary audiences for this report include the BHP Foundation and its EE partners, as well as other actors who may be engaged in similar evidence-to-practice initiatives worldwide.

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