The Vitality Active Rewards with Apple Watch Benefit: A follow-up study

Robert J. Romanelli
Bok Engelsk 2023
Annen tittel
RAND Corporation , 2023
Physical activity is well known to have positive effects on multiple health outcomes, including cardiovascular risk, diabetes, cancer, mental health and all-cause mortality. Despite this, recent data shows that only between 61-66% of adults in the UK meet the government recommended amount of physical activity (150min/week moderate or 75 min/week vigorous intensity activity). Smartwatches allow users to track their physical activity and can be a helpful tool to encourage people to be more physically active. In 2018, RAND Europe conducted an analysis of the impact of an insurance provider's smartwatch benefit on physical activity outcomes among their members in the UK; however, given that the benefit was relatively new, there was limited follow-up on members (average of approximately six months). Therefore, we conducted a longitudinal, observational study to examine longer-term physical activity impacts of this benefit. We included data on members who were eligible for this benefit collected from January 2016 to September 2022. We used an interrupted time-series analysis approach to examine the relationships between the smartwatch benefit status over time and physical activity outcomes. Models included statistical adjustment for gender and baseline body-mass index and smoking status, as well as calendar month and year from first recorded month of physical activity to the last. Standard errors were calculated using robust variance-covariance estimation with clustering by each member.

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