Fauna Norvegica. Ser. C, vol. 5, No 2=1982, No 5. CINCLUS, Norwegian journal of ornithology

Bok Engelsk 1982
Oslo : Norsk zoologisk tidsskriftsentral , 1982
S. 49-96 : diagr., fig., kart
Organ for Norsk ornitologisk forening. - Av innholdet: Seasonal fluctuations and movements of the Common Eider Somateria mollissima (L.) at the Norwegian Skagerak coast / Eldar Wrånes. Trends in the numbers of migrating shorebirds at Revtungen Bird Observatory, SW Norway, in the 21-year period 1947-67 / Ingvar Byrkjedal and Anders Bernhoft-Osa. Seasonal and daily weight variation of adult Bramblings Fringilla montifringilla during the breeding season / Olav Hogstad. Distribution and breeding habitat of the Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus in western Norway / Arnold Håland and Stein Byrkjeland. Microgeographical and individual variation in the morphology of song of the Redwing Turdus iliacus / Yngve Espmark. Origin of song traditions in the Redwing Turdus iliacus: evidence from field studies / Tore K. Bjerke. Horizontal partition of the breeding territory of the Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus / Asbjørn Sollien, Birger Nesholen and Jan Erik Fosseidengen. - Har bibliografi

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