Fauna Norvegica. Ser. C, vol. 10, No 2=1987, No 4. CINCLUS, Norwegian journal of ornithology

Bok Engelsk 1987
Oslo : Norsk zoologisk tidsskriftsentral , 1987
S. 65-116 : ill., diagr., fig., kart
Organ for Norsk ornitologisk forening. - Av innholdet: The population and reproductive status of the Gannet Sula bassana in Norway in 1985 / W.A. Montevecchi...[et al.]. Bird communities in coastal heather moors in West Norway / Aanen Munkejord. Intra-family communication in Willow Grouse, Lagopus lagopus / Roger Wike and Johan B. Steen. Annual variation in the quality of winter food of the Willow Grouse Lagopus lagopus, and its effect on population dynamics / Svein Myrberget and Roar Aabakken. Eagles as predators on livestock and deer / Gunnar Bergo. Food biology of Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula and Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii in the regulation zone of a hydroelectric power reservoir / Arne Moksnes. - Har bibliografi

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