Picasso in fontainebleau

Anne Umland
Bok Engelsk 2023 · Utstillingskataloger
"Published to accompany an exhibition at MoMA in fall 2023, this book focuses on Picasso's prolific artistic production during his residency in the town of Fontainebleau in the summer of 1921, during which he painted Three Musicians and Three Women at the Spring. Over the course of three months, in the summer of 1921, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) created some of his greatest and best-known works of the interwar period, including Three Musicians and Three Women at the Spring, both in MoMA's permanent collection. Remarkably, the scope, complexity, and diversity of the Fontainebleau context in which Picasso produced these paintings has rarely been the focus of in-depth study or research, despite the critical attention that each work has received individually. Published in conjunction with an exhibition at MoMA, this publication will frame the broad range of formal vocabularies and technical processes with which Picasso experimented in the summer of 1921 and draw connections between the seemingly disparate works that emerged during this period"--
Utstillingskataloger : (uri)https://id.nb.no/vocabulary/ntsf/321

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