Polar bear king

directed by Ola Solum
DVD Engelsk 2011 · Filmatisert bok
Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen (oppr.forf)
Bonnevie, Maria (skuesp)
Fjeldstad, Jack (skuesp)
Moe, Jørgen (oppr.forf)
Solum, Ola (regissør)
Beaconsfield : Scanbox Entertainment , 2011
1 DVD (1 t, 24 min) : lyd, kol
Basert på eventyret: Kvitebjørn kong Valemon / Asbjørnsen og Moe. - In a land far, far away, a jealous witch casts a wicked spell, turning a young king into a polar bear. The polar bear travels to the far off kingdom of Winterland in search of a beautiful princess who he must remain with for seven years in order to reverse the spell. The princess and the polar bear form a warm and loving relationship and together they journey back to the polar bear's magical kingdom in order to defeat the evil witch. Will they live happily ever after in this beautiful land, or will the jealous witch ruin their plans?

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