Beloved : Mojo presents a treasury of classic British indie rock

Musikk på CD Engelsk 2008 · Indie
London : Mojo , 2008
1 kompaktplate : digital
Vedlegg til Mojo mars 2008. - Innhold: Real animal (The House of Love) ; Penelope Tree (Felt) ; Son of a gun (The La's) ; He's Frank (The Monochrome Set) ; Up the hill and down the slope (The Loft) ; Jacket hangs (The Blue Aeroplanes) ; Total recall (The Sound) ; Simply thrilled honey (Orange Juice) ; Keep an open mind, or else (McCarthy) ; It's a fine day (Jane) ; The revolutionary spirit (The Wild Swans) ; Reward (The Teardrop Explodes) ; Love at first sight (The Gist) ; 7 minutes to midnight (Wah! Heat) ; God gave us life (Half Man Half Biscuit)
Indie . - Rock

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