The new groove; The Blue Note remix project vol 1

Musikk på CD Engelsk 1996
Blue Note , 1996
På 1 CD (60 min) + bilag
Innspilt i New York, Los Angeles & San Francisco 1996.. - Utgivernummer: CDP 7243 8 36594 2 5. - For nærmere spes.av innhold & utøvere, se bilaget.. - Kofi. (D.Byrd/remix:The Angel). - Hummin'. (N.Adderley/remix:Large Professor). - Living for the city. (S.Wonder/remix:DJ Smash). - Listen here. (E.Harris/remix:Guru). - Friends & strangers. (W.Jeffrey/D.Oliver/R.Robinson/remix:L.G.Experience). - Down here on the ground. (L.Schifrin/tekst:G.Garnett/remix:Ummah). - Summer song. (R.Foster/remix:Diamond D for Diggin'). - Move your hand. (L.Smith/remix:M.Franti). - The sophisticated hippie. (H.Silver/remix:Easy Mo Bee). - Montara. (B.Hutcherson/remix:Roots). - Mixed feelings (The new groove). (J.Terrasson/The Angel).. - Franti, Michael, remix

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