Diagrammatica : The Path to Feynman Diagrams

Martinus. Veltman
Bok Engelsk 1994 · Electronic books.
Annen tittel
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1994
1 online resource (298 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Introduction; 1 Lorentz and Poincaré Invariance; 1.1 Lorentz Invariance; 1.2 Structure of the Lorentz Group; 1.3 Poincaré Invariance; 1.4 Maxwell Equations; 1.5 Notations and Conventions; 2 Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of Free Particles; 2.1 Hilbert Space; 2.2 Matrices in Hilbert Space; 2.3 Fields; 2.4 Structure of Hilbert Space; 3 Interacting Fields; 3.1 Physical System; 3.2 Hilbert Space; 3.3 Magnitude of Hilbert Space; 3.4 U-matrix, S-matrix; 3.5 Interpolating Fields; 3.6 Feynman Rules; 3.7 Feynman Propagator; 3.8 Scattering Cross Section. - 3.9 Lifetime3.10 Numerical Evaluation; 3.11 Schrödinger Equation, Bound States; 4 Particles with Spin; 4.1 Representations of the Lorentz Group; 4.2 The Dirac Eauation; 4.3 Fermion Fields; 4.4 The E.M. Field; 4.5 Quantum Electrodynamics; 4.6 Charged Vector Boson Fields; 4.7 Electron-Proton Scattering. The Rutherford Formula; 5 Explorations; 5.1 Scattering Cross Section for e+e- ? μ+μ-; 5.2 Pion Decay. Two Body Phase Space. Cabibbo Angle; 5.3 Vector Boson Decay; 5.4 Muon Decay. Fiertz Transformation; 5.5 Hyperon Leptonic Decay; 5.6 Pion Decay and PCAC; 5.7 Neutral Pion Decay and PCAC. - 6 Renormalization6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Loop Integrals; 6.3 Self Energy; 6.4 Power Counting; 6.5 Quantum Electrodynamics; 6.6 Renormalizable Theories; 6.7 Radiative Corrections: Lamb Shift; 6.8 Radiative Corrections: Top Correction to p-Parameter; 6.9 Neutral Pion Decay and the Anomaly; 7 Massive and Massless Vector Fields; 7.1 Subsidiary Condition Massive Vector Fields; 7.2 Subsidiary Condition Massless Vector Fields; 7.3 Photon Helicities; 7.4 Propagator and Polarization Vectors of Massive Vector Particles; 7.5 Photon Propagator; 7.6 Left Handed Photons; 8 Unitarity; 8.1 U-matrix. - 8.2 Largest Time Equation8.3 Cutting Equations; 8.4 Unitarity and Cutting Equation; 8.5 Unitarity: General Case; 8.6 Källén-Lehmann Representation, Dispersion Relation; 8.7 Momenta in Propagators; 9 Quantum Electrodynamics: Finally; 9.1 Unitarity; 9.2 Ward Identities; Appendix A Complex Spaces, Matrices, CBH Equation; A.1 Basics; A.2 Differentiation of Matrices; A.3 Functions of Matrices; A.4 The CBH Equation; Appendix B Traces; B.1 General; B.2 Multi-Dimensional ?-Matrices; B.3 Frequently Used Equations; Appendix C Dimensional Regularization; Appendix D Summary. Combinatorial Factors. - D.1 SummaryD.2 External Lines, Spin Sums, Propagators; D.3 Combinatorial Factors; Appendix E Standard Model; E.1 Lagrangian; E.2 Feynman Rules; Appendix F Metric and Conventions; F.1 General Considerations; F.2 Translation Examples; F.3 Translation Dictionary; Index. - An easily accessible introduction to quantum field theory via Feynman rules in particle physics.

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