Career Services and College-Employer Partnership Practices in Community Colleges: Colleges in California, Ohio, and Texas

Rita T. Karam
Bok Engelsk 2022
Annen tittel
RAND Corporation , 2022
Chapter One: Introduction -- Chapter Two: Research Questions and Methods -- Chapter Three: State Policies and Incentives -- Chapter Four: Providing Career Services -- Chapter Five: Establishing, Organizing, and Supporting Partnerships -- Chapter Six: Response to State Policies and Supports -- Chapter Seven: Barriers -- Chapter Eight: Summary of Strengths and Gaps -- Chapter Nine: Recommendations and Conclusions -- Appendix A: Data Sources -- Appendix B: Literature Review: Promising Practices in Career Services and College-Industry Partnerships.. - Community colleges play a key role in driving talent development in the United States, producing workers with the kinds of training that employers need while enhancing economic mobility for students. There has been a push among policymakers at the federal and state levels to hold community colleges accountable for the employment outcomes of their students, with funding and legislation that endorses models that strengthen college partnerships with employers. In this report, the authors systemically examine the type of career services and college-employer partnership practices in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields across three states - California, Ohio, and Texas - and a sample of community colleges that operate within them. In addition, the authors investigate the challenges that these colleges face in facilitating student employment and the ways in which state policies may have influenced practice. They reviewed state policies and collected interview data from 134 participants, including state and system leaders, college leaders, program heads and faculty, career service leaders and staff, and employers.

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