Valuing Air Force Electric Power Resilience : A Framework for Mission-Level Investment Prioritization /

Anu Narayanan, Debra Knopman, Kristin Van Abel, Benjamin M. Miller, Nicholas Burger, Martha V. Merrill, Alexander D. Rothenberg, Luke Muggy, Patrick Mills.
Bok Engelsk
Annen tittel
This report describes how the U.S. Air Force currently sets priorities among its investments in power resilience measures, and how it could improve on decisionmaking processes to ensure that available resources are efficiently and effectively used to increase mission resilience in the face of a wide range of power outage scenarios.The framework and recommendations presented in this report are aimed at improving the Air Force's ability to make risk-informed decisions about power resilience investments. The goals of the framework are to identify and present cost- and performance-related information in a clear manner that facilitates decisionmaking.

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