Zagadnienia kwantyfikacyjne i modalne w litewskiej gwarze puńskiej (na tle literackich języków polskiego i litewskiego)

Danuta Roszko
Bok Polsk 2015
Flere språk: Litauisk
Annen tittel
Warsaw [Poland] : : Instytut Slawistyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk , 2015
1 online resource (1 p. 342)
In “Quantification and modal problems in the Lithuanian dialect of Puńsk (with reference to literary Polish and Lithuanian)”, Danuta Roszko describes the Puńsk dialect of Lithuanian, which remains in constant interaction with both Lithuanian and Polish, using a novel research methodology of theoretical contrastive studies (teoretyczne badania konfrontatywne, or TBK). “It is widely accepted that the use of TBK in dialectal research will contribute to a fuller description of dialects […] allowing for overcoming the barriers posed by formal structures of the dialect. It will also make semantic aspects […] a focal point of dialectologist research. […] TBK will allow for objective studies into any dialect; in the case of the discussed Puńsk dialect, it will also make possible to relate the present state of the dialect, as revealed in research, to both Polish and Lithuanian simultaneously. This will enable us to confirm the dialectal archaisms and innovation in relation to literary Lithuanian as well as to identify the dialectal features whose emergence might have been a result of the interaction between this Lithuanian dialects and the neighbouring Suwalskie-Podlasie dialects of Polish” (from pp. 14–15).

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