Born a crime : stories from a South African childhood

Trevor Noah
Bok Engelsk 2016 · Biografier
New York : Spiegel & Grau , 2016
X, 288 s.
Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show, shares his remarkable story of growing up in South Africa, with a black South African mother and a white European father at a time when it was against the law for a mixed-race child like him to exist. But he did exist -- and from the beginning, the often-misbehaved Trevor used his keen smarts and humour to navigate a harsh life under a racist government. This compelling memoir blends drama, comedy and tragedy to depict the day-to-day trials that turned a boy into a young man. In a country where racism barred blacks from social, educational, and economic opportunity, Trevor surmounted staggering obstacles and created a promising future for himself, thanks to his mom's unwavering love and indomitable will. - «En vittig, skarp og herlig ærlig biografi.» Trevor Noah leverer bra humor med en alvorlig ettersmak. Den sør-afrikanske komikeren og programlederen klarer å gi et levende bilde av apartheid fra innsiden, og hvordan den type politikk påvirker et samfunn og ikke minst et lite barn. Passer for deg som ... vil lære mer om verden. Omtalen er utarbeidet av en Deichman-ansatt
Geografisk emneord
9780399588174 : Nkr 290.00

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Born a crime : stories from a South African childhood
Trevor Noah

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Born a crime : stories from a South African childhood
Trevor Noah

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Trevor Noah

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