Starman : Bowie's Stardust years

Reinhard Kleist · colouring: Thomas Gilke and Reinhard Kleist
Trykt bok med mange bilder Engelsk · Biografiske forteljingar(
161 sider : illustrasjoner i farger
In 1972, the rock’n’roll messiah ZIGGY STARDUST was born. His provocative play on sexual identity and gender roles laid the foundation for David Bowie’s ascent to becoming one of the most successful pop musicians of all time. Reinhard Kleist’s STARMAN weaves the gripping tale of this outrageous character’s genesis, rise, and fall, as well as of David Bowie’s hapless efforts in the London music scene before Ziggy’s arrival, and of the struggles he experienced with his own creation at the height of his fame. As Bowie transforms himself, ever more frenetically, into the egocentric rock star he first conceived, the extravagant lifestyle he had only ever imagined threatens to engulf him, and bring everything down before his eyes…
9781914224089 : Nkr 313.00

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