Philostratros’ Life of Apollonios of Tyana and its Literary Context

Nikoletta Kanavou
Elektronisk ressurs Engelsk 2020
München : C.H.Beck , 2020
1 online resource (296 p.)
This book surveys a range of intersections between the fictitious biography of the sage Apollonios of Tyana by Philostratos and selected prose narratives of the imperial period. The survey considers both pagan and Christian literature and includes both parallels to the philosophical ideology of the Life of Apollonios and features that embellish and enhance the Life as a work of literature. The book’s various themes and topics are held together by a common thread: the hero’s virtue, in particular his sōphrosynē, which encapsulates not only his wise-man status but also his novelistic traits (sōphrosynē is of central importance in the Greek romance), and which contributes to the interpretation both of Apollonios as hero and of the work’s generic affinities. The characterisation of Apollonios and the contextualisation of his biography are equally served by the discussion of manifestations of erōs in the Life of Apollonios as echoes of a popular, indeed irresistible theme to the author; of travel as an intergeneric metaphor for spiritual progression; and, finally, of the sage’s relationship with the written word - a relationship that further reveals the narrative’s authenticatory interests and precarious realism. Das vorliegende Buch untersucht die umfangreichen Schnittpunkte zwischen Philostrats fiktiver Biographie des Apollonios von Tyana und ausgewählter Erzählliteratur der Kaiserzeit. Die Studie nimmt heidnische sowie christliche Literatur in den Blick und stellt Parallelen zur philosophischen Ideologie im Leben des Apollonios sowie zu Elementen her, die dieses Leben zu einem literarischen Werk ausgestalten. Die unterschiedlichen Themen des Buches durchzieht dabei wie ein roter Faden die Tugend des Helden, insbesondere seine sōphrosynē, die nicht nur seinen Status als Weiser, sondern auch seine romanhaften Züge zusammenfasst (sōphrosynē erscheint als die wichtigste Tugend der griechischen Romanhelden), und die einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Interpretation des…
Philostratus, , the Athenian, , active 2nd century-3rd century - Criticism and interpretation.
Philostratus, , the Athenian, , active 2nd century-3rd century. : Life of Apollonius of Tyana.
Philosophers - History. - Greece
Sophists (Greek philosophy) - History.

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