Critical design in context : history, theory, and practices

Matt Malpass
Tale på CD Engelsk 2022 Matthew Malpass

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Oslo : Norsk lyd- og blindeskriftbibliotek , 2022
I prod. per oktober 2022. - William Talesyntese. - Fra forlagets omtale: "Critical Design" is becoming an increasingly influential discipline, affecting policy and practice in a range of fields. Matt Malpass's book is the first to introduce critical design as a field, providing a history of the discipline, outlining its key influences, theories and approaches, and explaining how critical design can work in practice through a range of contemporary examples. Critical Design moves away from traditional approaches that limit design's role to the production of profitable objects, focusing instead on a practice that is interrogative, discursive and experimental.

Andre utgaver/formater

Critical design in context : history, theory, and practices
Matthew Malpass
Matt Malpass

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Critical design in context : history, theory, and practices
Matthew Malpass
Matt Malpass

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