Economic Growth and Development in the Caribbean Region.

Walker A. Pollard
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (352 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN REGION -- ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE CARIBBEAN REGION -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE* -- LIST OF FREQUENTLY USED ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- CURRENT LEVEL OF CARIBBEAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE -- REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE -- Impediments to Future Development -- Potential Policies for Economic Development -- Governmental Policies that Have Helped Overcome Diseconomies of Scale -- Increased Investment in Infrastructure and Skill Building Can Increase Growth and Reduce Poverty -- Export Diversification is Best Supported by Improving the Domestic Business Environment -- Trade Policy for Development -- Trade Liberalization Can Support Development -- U.S. Policies Can Stimulate Caribbean Services Exports -- CBERA Has Generally Increased Growth Despite Preference Erosion -- POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS BY INTERESTED PARTIES -- CBERA Has Been Beneficial to the Countries and the Region -- Value of Trade Preferences Is Being Reduced -- Market Access Provisions Should Be Renewed and Expanded -- Future U.S.-Caribbean Relations Should Be Broader and Deeper -- Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION -- PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND APPROACH OF BOOK -- Purpose -- Scope, Approach, and Organization of the Book -- U.S. TRADE PREFERENCES AVAILABLE TO CBERA COUNTRIES -- Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act -- Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act -- HOPE Act of 2006 -- Other Preference Programs Available to CBERA Countries -- MAJOR U.S. INSTITUTIONS AFFECTING TRADE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN CBERA COUNTRIES -- Chapter 2 CURRENT LEVEL OF CARIBBEAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: REGIONAL OVERVIEW -- REGIONAL OVERVIEW -- POPULATION AND LEVELS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- MACROECONOMIC CONDITIONS AND PERFORMANCE.. - CARIBBEAN-CENTRAL AMERICAN ACTION (CCAA)401 -- CARIBBEAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION (CHA)404 -- CARIBBEAN REGIONAL NEGOTIATING MACHINERY (CRNM)405 -- ANDREA M. EWART, PC406 -- GEONET ETHANOL LLC408 -- HALCROW, INC.409 -- INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB)410 -- INTER-AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION (IIC)411 -- JEFFERSON WATERMAN INTERNATIONAL412 -- MERCOSUR CONSULTING GROUP, LTD.414 -- NATIONAL COALITION ON CARIBBEAN AFFAIRS (NCOCA)415 -- NATIONAL COUNCIL OF TEXTILE ORGANIZATIONS (NCTO)416 -- TRADE, AID AND SECURITY COALITION (TASC): BUSINESS COALITION FOR CAPACITY BUILDING, LLC (BCCB)417 -- APPENDIX A. REQUEST LETTER FROM COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS -- 1. The Current Level of Caribbean Economic Development -- 2. Overview of Economic Literature on Potential Caribbean Development -- APPENDIX B. FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE -- CALIFORNIA -- COLORADO -- CONNECTICUT -- FLORIDA -- IOWA -- MASSACHUSETTS -- MONTANA -- NEW YORK -- NORTH CAROLINA -- OREGON -- PENNSYLVANIA -- RHODE ISLAND -- TENNESSEE -- TEXAS -- WASHINGTON -- WISCONSIN -- INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION -- FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: -- APPENDIX C. HEARING CALENDAR -- CALENDAR OF PUBLIC HEARING -- INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION APPEARANCES: -- EMBASSY APPEARANCES: -- APPENDIX D. COUNTRY PROFILES TABLES AND FIGURES- DATA SOURCES AND NOTES -- APPENDIX E. MERCHANDISE TRADE TABLES -- APPENDIX F. DEVELOPMENT TABLES -- INDEX -- Blank Page.. - IMPORTANCE OF TRADE TO THE CARIBBEAN BASIN COUNTRIES -- Export Diversification -- EXTENT OF UTILIZATION OF CBERA PREFERENCES -- TOURISM AND FINANCIAL SERVICES AS IMPORTANT REGION-WIDE SECTORS -- The Contribution of Tourism to CBERA Countries -- Tourism as a Share of GDP -- Tourism Exports -- Financial Services in CBERA Countries -- ETHANOL DEHYDRATION INDUSTRY -- OVERVIEW OF OTHER MAJOR NON-U.S. POLICIES AND INSTITUTIONS AFFECTING TRADE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN CBERA COUNTRIES -- World Bank -- Inter-American Development Bank -- Caribbean Development Bank -- Caribbean Community -- Organization of Eastern Caribbean States -- EU Economic Partnership Agreements -- Caribbean-Canada Trade Agreement -- Selected Other Trade and Development Arrangements -- Chapter 3 OVERVIEW OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE ON POTENTIAL CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT -- INTRODUCTION -- THE DETERMINANTS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -- The Relationship between Trade, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction -- Trade Preferences and Growth -- Effects of the CBERA on the Caribbean -- Effects of Other Agreements on the Caribbean -- Utilization of Preferential Trade Programs in the Caribbean -- Textile and Apparel Preferences under Original CBERA and CBTPA -- Nonapparel Preferences under Original CBERA and CBTPA -- PROMOTING CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES -- Evolution of Caribbean Policies and Their Effects on Competitiveness and the Macroeconomy -- Development Challenges for Small Countries and Small Enterprises -- Export Diversification -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Assistance for Small Enterprises and Households -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Challenges Posed by International Standards -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Other Key Challenges for Caribbean Development.. - Infrastructure in the Caribbean -- Basic Infrastructure -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Ports and Shipping Infrastructure -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Telecommunications and Information and Communications Technology Infrastructure -- Overview -- ICT as an Export Sector -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Health and Education -- Health and Wellness Services -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Education -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Foreign Direct Investment -- Overview -- Policies Identified in the Literature -- Trade and Trade Policy for Caribbean Development -- Recent Trade Patterns and Trade Liberalization -- Trade Policies Identified in the Literature for Caribbean Countries -- Trade Policies for the United States Identified in the Literature -- Textiles and Apparel -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 4 CURRENT LEVEL OF CARIBBEAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: COUNTRY PROFILES -- ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA -- Economic and Social Development3 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration6 -- REFERENCES -- ARUBA -- Economic and Social Development9 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration10 -- REFERENCES -- THE BAHAMAS -- Economic and Social Development12 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration14 -- REFERENCES -- BARBADOS -- Economic and Social Development15 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration18 -- REFERENCES -- BELIZE -- Economic and Social Development19 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration21 -- REFERENCES -- BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS -- Economic and Social Development22 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration23 -- REFERENCES -- DOMINICA -- Economic and Social Development24 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration26 -- REFERENCES -- GRENADA -- Economic and Social Development27 -- Domestic Economy.. - International Integration29 -- REFERENCES -- GUYANA -- Economic and Social Development30 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration32 -- REFERENCES -- HAITI -- Economic and Social Development33 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration35 -- REFERENCES -- JAMAICA -- Economic and Social Development36 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration38 -- REFERENCES -- MONT SERRAT -- Economic and Social Development39 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration40 -- REFERENCES -- NETHERLANDS ANTILLES -- Economic and Social Development41 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration43 -- REFERENCES -- PANAMA -- Economic and Social Development44 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration47 -- REFERENCES -- ST. KITTS AND NEVIS -- Economic and Social Development49 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration52 -- REFERENCES -- ST. LUCIA -- Economic and Social Development53 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration55 -- REFERENCES -- ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES -- Economic and Social Development56 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration59 -- REFERENCES -- TRINIDAD ANDTOBAGO -- Economic and Social Development60 -- Domestic Economy -- International Integration64 -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF POSITIONS OF INTERESTED PARTIES384 -- GOVERNMENT OF BARBADOS385 -- GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION OF ST. KITTS AND NEVIS386 -- GOVERNMENT OF ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES387 -- GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO388 -- GOVERNMENT OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA390 -- GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAITI391 -- GOVERNMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS392 -- GOVERNMENT OF JAMAICA393 -- ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES (OAS)394 -- CARIBBEAN COMMUNITY SECRETARIAT (CARICOM)396 -- BERLINER, CORCORAN &amp -- ROWE LLP397 -- CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION OF INDIGENOUS BANKS, INC. (CAIB)398 -- CBI SUGAR GROUP399.

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