Cultural Resources for Tourism : Patterns, Processes and Policies.

Myriam. Jansen-Verbeke
Bok Engelsk 2008 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (319 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- CULTURAL RESOURCES FOR TOURISM: PATTERNS, PROCESSES AND POLICIES -- CULTURAL RESOURCES FOR TOURISM: PATTERNS, PROCESSES AND POLICIES -- CONTENTS -- FOREWORD -- PREFACE -- Introduction INNOVATIVE RESEARCH ON THE SPATIAL DYNAMICS OF CULTURAL TOURISM -- FOCUS OF THE BOOK -- INSPIRATION FOR THE BOOK -- HERITAGE AND CULTURE AS TERRITORIAL MARKERS -- Heritage and the Development of Cultural Tourism -- The Spatial Dimensions of Culture and Heritage -- LOCAL LABORATORIES FOR INNOVATIVE RESEARCH -- STRUCTURE OF THE BOOK -- Part I. Introduction SPATIAL PATTERNS: FACTORS AND CONSEQUENCES -- Chapter 1 VISITING PATTERNS IN HISTORIC CITYSCAPES: A CASE STUDY IN GHENT, BELGIUM -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- CULTURAL RESOURCES FOR TOURISM -- ANALYSIS -- The Historic City of Ghent -- Mapping the Inner City: Research Design and Methodology -- Mapping Urban Visitors' Space Use -- Impact of Cultural Heritage and Facilities on Motives and Activity Patterns -- Impact of Cultural Heritage and Facilities on Space Use Patterns -- Impact of Cultural Heritage and Facilities on the Appreciation of the Inner City -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 2 THE ROLE OF LOCAL ICONS IN TOURISTS' SPATIAL BEHAVIOR: A CASE STUDY OF THE OLD CITY OF AKKO, ISRAEL -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- THE STUDY AREA AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES -- DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY -- VISITOR IMPACT AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS -- Time Distribution -- Pixelating the Town -- CONCLUSION -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- Chapter 3 CULTURAL ATTRACTIONS AND DESTINATION STRUCTURE: A CASE STUDY OF THE VENICE REGION, ITALY -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE VENICE REGION -- Background -- Key Information on Tourism and Heritage in Venice -- Development Trends -- Structure and Functional Variations in the "Tourist Region" of Venice -- The Role of Cultural Heritage Assets as Generators of Value.. - CONCLUSION -- Chapter 4 THE ADVANTAGES OF SHARING: A CASE STUDY OF THE JEWISH HERITAGE NETWORK IN SPAIN -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- Definition and Characteristics of Heritage Networks -- Types of Networks and Management Strategies -- Cross-Border Heritage Routes and Regional Development -- Spatial Impacts of Heritage Attractions and Routes -- THE NETWORK OF SPANISH JEWISH SITES -- History and Management of the Spanish Jewish Heritage Network -- Programs and Projects -- Visitor Flows and Performance of the Red -- Spatial Configuration of the Network and Territorial Impacts -- Product Diagnosis and Future Development of the Network -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 5 DETERMINANTS OF THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF CULTURAL TOURS: A CASE STUDY OF SPANISH PACKAGE TOURISTS IN INDIA -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- RESEARCH METHODOLOGY -- CHARACTERISTICS OF SPANISH TOURISM DEMAND IN INDIA -- PLACES VISITED AND FLOW PATTERN -- DETERMINANTS OF TOUR PORTFOLIOS -- Demand Determinants -- Destination Determinants -- Inbound Operator (IBO) Determinants -- Outbound Operator (OBO) Determinants -- CONCLUSION -- Part II. Introduction PROCESSES: CULTURAL RESOURCES AND TOURISM DYNAMICS -- Chapter 6 TANGIBLE VERSUS INTANGIBLE HERITAGE: A CASE STUDY OF THE CAIRO JEWELRY CLUSTER1 -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- CLUSTERS, HERITAGE AND TOURISM: THEORETICAL VIRTUOUS CIRCLES, EMPIRICAL VICIOUS CIRCLES -- INTRODUCING THE CASE STUDY: KHAN AL-KHALILIAND THE EGYPTIAN GOLD INDUSTRY -- KHAN AL-KHALILI AND ISLAMIC HERITAGE IN CAIRO -- INTERNAL DYNAMICS IN KHAN-AL-KHALILI -- KHAN AL-KHALILI AS A CULTURAL DISTRICT: MISUSED POTENTIAL FOR CHANGE -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 7 HERITAGE-LED DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL REGIONS: A CASE STUDY OF SOUTH-WESTERN ROMANIA -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- ROMANIA AS A CULTURAL TOURISM DESTINATION.. - EVENT MONITORING: THE GHENT FESTIVITIES, BELGIUM -- Information Sources and Survey Methods -- Visitor Numbers and Profiles -- Traditional Involvement of the Local Population -- Characteristics of the Ghent Festivities -- Perceptions -- ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT -- Balancing the Costs and Benefits of a Monitoring System -- CONCLUSION -- Part III. Introduction POLICY ISSUES IN CULTURAL TOURISM PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT -- Chapter 11 POLICY, CULTURAL HERITAGE AND TOURISMSCAPES: A CASE STUDY OF BRUSSELS -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- BRUSSELS, A CAPITAL CITY -- Fragmented Identities (Gap 1) -- Inconsistent Images and Experiences (Gap 2) -- The Absence of a Hegemonic Narrative and Visionary Leadership (Gap 3) -- THE CHANGING TOURISMSCAPE OF BRUSSELS -- "Glocalizing" the Debate (Track 1) -- Setting up Development Coalitions Around Specific Projects and Actions (Track 2) -- Fostering Hybrid Experiences (Track 3) -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 12 AREA REGENERATION AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT: EVIDENCE FROM THREE EUROPEAN CITIES -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- PRESENTATION OF CASE STUDY CITIES -- Facts and Figures -- Cultural Highlights -- Area Regeneration, Cultural Clustering and Urban Development -- CULTURAL AND CREATIVE CLUSTERS AS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS -- PLANNING FOR SUSTAINED TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN REGENERATED AREAS -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 13 CULTURAL HERITAGE AND THE REJUVENATION OF SPA TOWNS: EVIDENCE FROM FOUR EUROPEAN CITIES -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- FOUR HISTORIC SPA TOWNS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS -- Unique Profiles and Different Policies -- Cultural Heritage Marking Spa Towns -- Cultural Tourism in the Spa Towns -- Common Problems, Different Strategies -- OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES -- Strong Points of the Traditional Spas -- Structural or Temporary Weaknesses of the Spa Towns -- Competitive Advantages of Traditional Spa Towns.. - ORTHODOX MONASTERIES IN SOUTH-WESTERN ROMANIA: AN ASSET FOR TOURISM-BASED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT -- Cultural Heritage Endowment and Management -- Socio-Economic Context and the Tourism Sector -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 8 CULTURAL LANDSCAPES AND TOURISM DYNAMICS: EXPLORATIVE CASE STUDIES -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- Dynamics of Cultural Landscapes -- Urbanization -- Richness and Density of the Cultural Endowment -- Appreciation of Tourism Landscapes -- EXPLORING CULTURAL LANDSCAPES AND TOURISM DEVELOPMENT -- Leisure Landscapes -- Industrial Landscapes -- Archaeological Sites -- Agricultural Heritage Habitats -- Vineyard Landscapes -- Rice Fields in the Philippines -- Rural Landscapes -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 9 RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: RESOURCES AND TRENDS -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- CHANGING PATTERNS OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM IN EUROPE -- OUTBOUND RELIGIOUS TRAVEL -- Cathedral and Church Visits -- Visits to Shrines -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 10 CULTURAL EVENTS AS CATALYSTS OF CHANGE: EVIDENCE FROM FOUR EUROPEAN CASE STUDIES1 -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- ECONOMIC VIABILITY ISSUES: THE SAVONLINNA OPERA FESTIVAL, FINLAND -- Place and Setting -- Economic Aspects of the Festival -- Opera Economics -- Impact on Tourism -- Evaluation Methods -- Economic Impact Analysis -- Contingent Valuation Method -- Socio-Political Assessment -- Perspectives -- IMPULSES FOR DEVELOPMENT IN A RURAL AREA: JAZZ IN MARCIAC, FRANCE -- Characteristics and Location -- From A Temporary Cultural Event To A Permanent Territory Project -- Environment and Local Heritage -- Involvement of the Local Population and Partnerships -- The Audience -- A Dynamic Initiative for the Region -- VALORIZATION OF INTANGIBLE HERITAGE IN TERRITORIAL IDENTITY: SALENTO LA NOTTE DELLA TARANTA, ITALY -- Characteristics and Situation -- Valorization and Exploitation: A Difficult Balance.. - Problems and Challenges -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 14 TOURISM REVITALIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPEAN UNION COUNTRIES -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- VOLUME AND INTENSITY OF TOURISM AND TOURISM MARKETS -- ASSETS FOR TOURISM -- GENERAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTS RELEVANT FOR TOURISM -- MAIN FEATURES OF CURRENT TOURISM DEVELOPMENT, TOURISM POLICIES AND PRIORITIES -- Cultural Tourism -- Spa and Wellness Tourism -- Rural Tourism -- CONCLUSION -- Chapter 15 TOWARDS A POLICY AGENDA FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOURCES1 -- INTRODUCTION -- CULTURAL POLICIES AND TOURISM TODAY: FROM EUROPEAN TO LOCAL POLICIES -- The EU Cultural Heritage Policy Framework -- Specific Issues and Policy Responses: Illustrations from the Case Studies -- THE DELICATE BALANCE BETWEEN VALORIZATION AND CONSERVATION -- GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY -- CONTRIBUTORS' RESUME -- INDEX -- Blank Page.

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