Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration.

John. Forrer
Bok Engelsk 2014 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (387 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Copyright -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Introduction -- The Changing Nature of the Public Enterprise -- The Current Structure of the Public Enterprise -- Government and the Expanding Public Enterprise -- Public-Private Partnerships, Networks, and Independent Public-Services Providers -- Organization of the Book -- Part One: Choosing Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Chapter One: Dimensions of Cross-Sector Collaboration -- The Dilemma for Public Managers -- The Cross-Sector Collaboration Imperative -- Societal Transformations -- Major Challenges Require New Thinking -- A Dysfunctional Public Sector Environment -- Hollowed-Out Government -- The Complicated Organizational Environment -- Cross-Sector Collaboration: Definition and Sector Roles -- Public Sector -- Private Sector -- Nonprofits -- Emerging Choices for Public Managers -- Considering the Choices -- Primary Choices for Public Provision and Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Illustrating the Five Choices: Public Health Programs -- Examining the Trade-Offs -- Conclusion -- Chapter Two: The Rationale for Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Pragmatic Rationale -- Private and Nonprofit Perspectives -- Economic Rationale: Competitive Advantage -- Market Failure and Government Failure -- Property Rights Theory -- The Principal-Agent Problem -- Competition -- The Nonprofit Competitive Advantage -- A Strategic Approach to CSC -- Strategic Considerations for the Private Sector -- Strategic Perspectives of the Public and Nonprofit Sectors -- From a Principal-Agent to a Principal-Principal Relationship -- The Principal-Principal Relationship -- The Governance Consequences of CSC -- Challenges of Private Sector Involvement -- Challenges of Nonprofit Sector Involvement -- Negotiating Divergent Interests -- Operating Under Different Legal Constraints.. - Case Analysis -- Best Value for the Public's Dollars -- Government Cost Data -- Analytical Approaches -- Value for Money Analysis -- Other Value or Public Interest Considerations -- Case Analysis -- Measuring Performance and Ensuring Accountability -- Uses and Types of Performance Measures -- Ensuring Accountability -- Case Analysis -- Conclusion -- Collaborative Contracts -- Partnerships and PPPs -- Networks -- Independent Public-Services Providers -- Part Two: Managing Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Chapter Eight: The Need for a New Model of Public Administration -- Historic Origins of the Bureaucratic Model in US Public Administration -- Advantages of the Bureaucratic Form -- Critiques of the Bureaucratic Form -- Reforming the Bureaucratic State -- The New Public Management -- The Reaction to New Public Management -- Alternative Approaches to Reframing Public Administration -- New Public Service -- Network Management -- The New Governance -- Transformational Stewardship -- Twenty-First-Century Government Management -- Conclusion -- Chapter Nine: Leadership Implications in Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Heterarchies and Hierarchies -- Communication in Hierarchies and Heterarchies -- Leadership in Heterarchical Structures -- The Four Critical Elements for CSC Leadership -- The Four Interviewees -- Generating Support -- Leading Outside One's Formal Role -- Understanding the Wider System -- Building Trust -- Implications for Practice: How to Adapt Leadership to CSCs -- Conclusion -- Chapter Ten: Fostering Democratic Accountability -- CSCs and Accountability -- Traditional Public Accountability -- Dimensions of Public Accountability Control -- Dimensions of Democratic Accountability -- Fostering Democratic Accountability in CSCs -- Outcome-Based Performance -- Creating Value in CSCs -- Trusted Partners -- Enhancing Citizen Participation.. - Social Media and Citizen Engagement -- An Integrated Approach to Mutual Accountability -- Specific Accountability Issues for CSCs -- Accountability and Contracting Out -- Accountability in Partnerships and PPPs -- Accountability in Networks -- Accountability in Independent Public-Services Providers -- Conclusion -- Chapter Eleven: Developing Government Capacity for Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Government Skills for PPPs -- Planning and Design Development -- Bidding Process -- Construction -- Monitoring and Evaluation -- Government Skills for Network Management -- Government Skills for IPSPs -- Government Learning and CSC -- Building Government Capacity for Collaboration: A Learning Framework -- Core Issues in Government Learning -- A Framework of Learning for CSCs -- Dimensions of the Learning Framework -- Conclusion: A Systems Approach to Learning -- Chapter Twelve: The Future of Cross-Sector Collaboration -- Evolving Nature of the Governance Challenge -- Contributions to New Public Governance -- CSC and Public Value -- Defining Public Value -- Illustration: A PPP for Infrastructure -- Illustration: An International IPSP -- Moving Forward with CSC -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- The Authors -- Index -- End User License Agreement.. - The Loss-of-Control Problem -- Hollowed-Out Government -- Conclusion: Addressing the Governance Challenges in CSC -- Chapter Three: Contracting and Collaborating -- Contracting -- Traditional Contracts -- Collaborative Contracts -- Definitions -- Rationale for Contracting -- Contracting in the United States -- Moving Toward Collaboration -- Collaborative Contracting and Public Managers -- The Public Manager and Successful Contracting -- Clear Expectations -- Assessment -- Criteria -- Transparency -- Monitoring -- Evaluation -- Traditional Contracting Illustration -- US Environmental Protection Agency, Cyber Security Software -- Services Provided and Award -- Choosing Contracting Out -- Collaborative Contracting Illustration -- Kansas Foster Care and Adoption -- Assessment -- Assessing the Advantages and Disadvantage of Contracting -- Global Implications -- Conclusion -- Chapter Four: Cross-Sector Partnerships and Public-Private Partnerships -- Types of Cross-Sector Partnerships -- Common Aspects of Cross-Sector Partnerships -- Rationales for Cross-Sector Partnerships -- Issues of Working in Partnerships -- Government Capacity -- Managing Divergent Interests -- The Public Manager and Successful Partnerships -- Risk Allocation -- Costs and Benefits -- Social and Political Impact -- Expertise -- Partnership Collaboration -- Measuring Performance -- Public-Private Partnerships for Infrastructure -- The Port of Miami Tunnel -- International Experience with PPPs -- Collaborative Practices in Context -- Operating Environment -- Organizational Characteristics -- Partnership Attributes -- Operational Outcomes -- Assessing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Sector Partnerships -- Conclusion -- Chapter Five: Network Governance -- Definitions -- How Networks Facilitate Collaboration -- Types of Networks -- Structure of Networks.. - The Public Manager and Successful Networks -- Governance -- Mutuality -- Political Support -- Communication -- Managing Risk -- Measuring Performance -- Advantages and Disadvantages of Networks -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- Overcoming Challenges to Good Network Governance -- Lead with Purpose -- Secure Buy-In from Partners -- Be Opportunistic -- Pick Good Leaders to Participate -- Going Global -- Conclusion -- Chapter Six: Independent Public-Services Providers: A New Potential Collaborator -- Defining Public Enterprise Organizations -- The Growth of Quasi-Governmental and Hybrid Organizations -- Distinguishing IPSPs from Quasi-Governmental Entities -- Distinguishing IPSPs from Other CSCs -- IPSPs and the Challenging Governance Environment -- Protecting the Environment: Climate Change and Sustainability -- Transportation Infrastructure: Reducing Travel Congestion and Improving Safety -- Health Care Crises: Improving Access and Reducing Costs -- IPSPs and Their Approach -- The Public Manager and IPSPs -- Autonomy -- Mutuality -- Innovation -- Sharing Expertise and Resources -- Allocating Risk -- Measuring Performance -- Advantages and Disadvantages for Public Managers Working With IPSPs -- Advantages for Public Managers -- Disadvantages for Public Managers -- Going Global -- Conclusion -- Chapter Seven: Analyzing Cross-Sector Collaboration Options -- Case Studies -- Coast Guard Deepwater Program -- Fairfax County Human Services Delivery -- Nature of the Public Task or Challenge -- One or Multisector Solutions -- Susceptibility to Private Market Business or Nonprofit Solutions -- Political Factors and Considerations -- Case Analysis -- Resource Needs and Capacity -- Resource Needs: Assessment and Planning -- Organizational Capacity -- Case Analysis -- Identification and Allocation of Risks -- Identification and Types of Risks -- Allocation of Risk.. - A comprehensive guide to public sector collaboration with private and nonprofit organizations for better service delivery Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration tackles the issues inherent in partnerships with nongovernmental actors for public service delivery, highlighting the choices available and the accompanying challenges and opportunities that arise. Based on research, interviews with public, private and nonprofit sector leaders, and considerable analysis of organizations involved in public-private-nonprofit collaborations, the book provides insight into cross-sector collaboration at the global, federal, state, and local levels. Through an examination of the primary modes of cross-sector collaboration, including collaborative contracting, partnerships, networks, and independent public services providers, the book presents a clear case for how public managers can assess the trade-offs and use these options to improve public service delivery. Nonprofit organizations, businesses, and third-party contractors are increasingly partnering with government to deliver public services. Recognizing the types of collaborative approaches, and their potential to solve public policy problems is quickly becoming a major task for public managers, with new methods and techniques constantly emerging. Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration provides specific examples and a framework for public managers to make strategic choices about how to engage private and nonprofit actors in delivering public goods and services while ensuring the public interest. The book provides effective methods for choosing, designing, governing, and evaluating networks, partnerships, and independent public-services providers, with in-depth discussion encompassing: Analysis and engagement of cross-sector organizations Fostering democratic accountability in the public interest Collaborative. - approaches (including contracts, networks and partnerships) and the issues associated with each type of arrangement Leadership and organizational learning in cross-sector collaboration Included case studies illustrate effective application of the concepts and methods described, providing both practicing public and nonprofit managers and public policy/administration students with insight into these emerging strategic alliances. The first comprehensive guide to public governance collaborations, Governing Cross-Sector Collaboration is an important and timely contribution to the field of public management.

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