Policy Option Issues for CO2 Emissions.

Nikolaus. Vogler
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (142 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- POLICY OPTION ISSUES FOR CO2 EMISSIONS -- POLICY OPTION ISSUES FOR CO2 EMISSIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 CLIMATE CHANGE, CO2 EMISSIONS &amp -- PASSENGER VEHICLES -- SUMMARY -- GASOLINE PRICES, DRIVING BEHAVIOR, AND CHOICE OF VEHICLE -- Driving Behavior -- Choices of New and Used Vehicles -- IMPLICATIONS OF HIGHER GASOLINE PRICES FOR VEHICLE EMISSIONS -- BOX 1. CAFE STANDARDS AND VEHICLES' CO2 EMISSIONS -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 ISSUES IN DESIGNING A CAP-AND-TRADE PROGRAM FOR CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS -- HOW A CAP-AND-TRADE PROGRAM WOULD WORK -- THE POTENTIAL VALUE AND BUDGETARY TREATMENT OF ALLOWANCES -- THE DISTRIBUTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF A CAP-AND-TRADE PROGRAM -- Market Forces Would Determine Who Bore the Costs of a Cap -- Policymakers Would Determine Who Received the Value of the Allowances -- REDUCING THE OVERALL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF A CO2 CAP -- Using the Allowance Value to Reduce the Total Economic Cost -- ALLOWING FLEXIBILITY IN THE TIMING OF EMISSION REDUCTIONS TO LOWER COSTS -- Design Features Providing Flexibility in the Timing of Emission Reductions -- A Price Ceiling and a Price Floor -- Borrowing and Banking Allowances -- Aggregate Borrowing by Regulators -- Design Features Addressing Energy-Intensive Manufacturing Industries -- Border Adjustments -- Transitional Assistance -- Compatibility with WTO Agreements -- End Notes -- Chapter 3 POLICY OPTIONS FOR REDUCING CO2 EMISSIONS -- SUMMARY -- Policy Options for Reducing Emissions -- RESULTS OF CBO'S ANALYSIS -- Comparison of Policies' Efficiency -- A Tax Versus an Inflexible Cap -- Flexible Cap Approaches -- Keeping Costs From Climbing Too High -- Keeping Costs From Falling Too Low -- Comparison of Policies' Implementation -- Comparison of Policies' International Consistency -- 1. EFFICIENCY IMPLICATIONS OF DIFFERENT POLICY DESIGNS.. - A Carbon Dioxide Tax versus an Inflexible Carbon Dioxide Cap -- An Illustrative Example of How a Tax Would Be More Efficient Than a Cap -- Empirical Estimates of the Efficiency Advantage of a Tax -- The Impact of Price Volatility -- Conditions under Which a Cap Could Be More Efficient Than a Tax -- Other Efficiency Implications of a Tax or a Cap -- FLEXIBLE CAP DESIGNS -- A Ceiling or Floor on Allowance Prices -- Banking and Borrowing Allowances -- Banking Allowances -- Borrowing Allowances -- Circuit Breaker -- 2. IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIFFERENT POLICY DESIGNS -- A Carbon Dioxide Tax versus an Inflexible Carbon Dioxide Cap -- Flexible Cap Designs -- 3. INTERNATIONAL CONSISTENCY CONSIDERATIONS FOR DIFFERENT POLICY DESIGNS -- A Carbon Dioxide Tax versus an Inflexible Carbon Dioxide Cap -- Harmonizing a U.S. Tax on CO2 with Policies in Other Countries -- Linking a U.S. Cap-and-Trade Program with Outside Cap-and-Trade Programs -- Flexible Cap Designs -- APPENDIX A. CURRENT AND PROPOSED CAP-AND-TRADE PROGRAMS IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE -- U.S. Programs for Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide -- U.S. and European Programs for Greenhouse Gase -- End Notes -- Chapter 4 ROLE OF PRICES AND R&amp -- D IN REDUCING CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS -- 1. SUMMARY AND INTRODUCTION -- Policies for Reducing Carbon Emissions -- The Interaction and Timing of Policies -- A Global Concern -- 2. POLICIES FOR REDUCING CARBON EMISSIONS -- Pricing Carbon to Address the External Costs of Emissions -- The Effects of Pricing -- BOX 2.1. HOW EMISSIONS TAXES AND CAP-AND-TRADE POLICIES WOULD WORK -- Setting Prices -- BOX 2-2. WOULD TAXES ON CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS SPUR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES? -- Current Policies That Provide Incentives and Disincentives for Fossil Fuel Use -- Subsidizing R&amp -- D Efforts to Account for Spillover Benefits.. - The Benefits of Supporting R&amp -- D -- The Costs of Supporting R&amp -- D -- BOX 2.3. USING PRIZES TO ENCOURAGE TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS -- Current Policies That Support R&amp -- D -- 3. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF POLICY APPROACHES -- Policy Simulations -- Results -- Limitations -- End Notes -- CHAPTER SOURCES -- INDEX.

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