The Countries of North Africa : Background and Issues.

Vincent G. Luciano
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (216 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- THE COUNTRIES OF NORTH AFRICA: BACKGROUND AND ISSUES -- THE COUNTRIES OF NORTH AFRICA: BACKGROUND AND ISSUES -- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 ALGERIA: CURRENT ISSUES* -- SUMMARY -- GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS -- TERRORISM3 -- COUNTER TERRORISM -- HUMAN RIGHTS -- ECONOMY -- FOREIGN AFFAIRS -- RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 COUNTRY PROFILE: ALGERIA* -- COUNTRY -- HISTORICAL BACKGROUND -- GEOGRAPHY -- SOCIETY -- ECONOMY -- TRANSPORTATION AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS -- NATIONAL SECURITY -- Chapter 3 EGYPT: BACKGROUND AND U.S. RELATIONS* -- SUMMARY -- LATEST DEVELOPMENTS -- CURRENT ISSUES IN U.S.-EGYPTIAN RELATIONS -- Presidential Succession: Who Will Follow Hosni Mubarak? -- Egypt and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- Overview -- Current Egyptian Mediation Efforts -- The Smuggling Tunnels -- U.S. Border Monitoring and Tunnel Detection Assistance -- The Economy and U.S-Egyptian Trade and Investment -- U.S.-Egyptian Trade -- Qualified Industrial Zones -- Human Rights, Religious Freedom, and Women's Rights -- Religious Freedom -- Women's Rights -- Quota for Women in Parliament -- GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE -- The Role of the Military in Egyptian Society -- The National Democratic Party (NDP)41 -- The Judiciary -- POLITICAL OPPOSITION AND CIVIL SOCIETY -- The Muslim Brotherhood49 -- Civil Society in Egypt -- Organized Labor -- U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE TO EGYPT -- Overview -- The Debate over U.S. Assistance to Egypt -- Promoting Democracy in Egypt: Differing Perspectives -- Economic Aid -- The Endowment -- Military Aid -- Recent Arms Sales Notifications -- APPENDIX. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND -- Egypt during the Colonial Era -- The Constitutional Monarchy and the British -- Nasser and Egypt during the Cold War -- Egypt-Israeli Peace.. - APPENDIX B. NORMALIZATION OF RELATIONS, TERRORISM, AND RELATED CLAIMS -- Background: Pan Am Flight 103 -- Lockerbie Appeal and Megrahi's Release -- Background: La Belle and UTA Flight 772 -- Reestablishing Normal Bilateral Relations -- Congressional Efforts on Behalf of U.S. Terrorism Victims -- Liability Changes under Section 1083 of P.L. 110-181 -- End Notes -- Chapter 5 MOROCCO: CURRENT ISSUES* -- SUMMARY -- GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS -- TERRORISM -- COUNTERTERRORISM -- HUMAN RIGHTS -- ECONOMY -- FOREIGN POLICY -- Western Sahara -- Algeria -- Europe -- Middle East -- RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES -- End Notes -- Chapter 6 TUNISIA: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND POLICY ISSUES* -- ABSTRACT -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: EXIT OF PRESIDENT BEN ALI -- December-January Protests -- The U.S. Response -- BACKGROUND: THE GOVERNMENT UNDER BEN ALI -- Suppression of Islamist Politics -- Human Rights -- TERRORISM -- ECONOMY -- RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES -- U.S. Assistance -- OTHER FOREIGN POLICY ISSUES -- OUTLOOK -- AUTHOR CONTACT INFORMATION -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- REFERENCES -- Chapter 7 WESTERN SAHARA: STATUS OF SETTLEMENT EFFORTS* -- SUMMARY -- HISTORY -- THE BAKER PLAN AND SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENTS -- CURRENT SITUATION -- MOROCCAN AND ALGERIAN VIEWS -- PROSPECTS -- UNITED STATES POLICY -- End Notes -- INDEX.. - The Camp David Agreement and 1979 Peace Treaty -- Egypt under Mubarak -- Author Contact Information -- End Notes -- Chapter 4 LIBYA: BACKGROUND AND U.S. RELATIONS* -- SUMMARY -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- BACKGROUND AND RECENT HISTORY -- The Qadhafi Era -- The Green Book and Qadhafi's Ideology -- Terrorism and Confrontation with the United States -- Qadhafi's Arab-Israeli Intransigence -- International Isolation and Signs of Change -- CURRENT ISSUES IN U.S.-LIBYAN RELATIONS -- Comprehensive Claims Settlement Agreement -- Settlement Details -- Settlement Eligibility and Adjudication -- U.S. Foreign Assistance to Libya -- Funding for New U.S. Embassy Construction -- Counterterrorism Cooperation -- POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC PROFILE -- Muammar al Qadhafi: A Profile -- Political Dynamics -- Government Structure -- The "Authority of the People" -- Proposals for the Dissolution of State Ministries and Revenue Dist-ribution -- Opposition Groups -- Exiles -- The Muslim Brotherhood -- Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) -- Al Qaeda Affiliation and Recantations -- Political Reform and Human Rights -- Legal and Institutional Reform -- Human Rights Monitoring -- Fathi al Jahmi -- Libyan Foreign Policy -- Energy and the Libyan Economy -- Oil Reserves and Production Capacity -- Natural Gas -- MILITARY PROFILE AND WMD DISARMAMENT -- The Libyan Military -- Structure, Training, and Equipment -- Arms Sales63 -- WMD Programs and Disarmament68 -- Nuclear, Chemical, and Ballistic Missile Programs -- Termination of WMD and Missile Programs -- Motives for Disarmament -- International Controls and Inspections -- FURTHER READING AND HISTORICAL RESOURCES -- APPENDIX A. LIBYA'S PRE-QADHAFI HISTORY -- Libya's Colonial Experience -- The Ottoman Empire and Qaramanli Dynasty -- "The Shores of Tripoli" -- Italian Annexation and Post-War Uncertainty -- Independence and Monarchy, 1951-1969.

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