Customer-Centric Marketing : Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers.

Aldo. Cundari
Bok Engelsk 2015 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (173 pages)
1st ed.
Customer-Centric Marketing : Build Relationships, Create Advocates, and Influence Your Customers -- Contents -- Prelude -- Introduction: The Shoemaker's Story -- Chapter 1: The Age of the Customer -- SOLUTIONS COME THROUGH UNDERSTANDING -- THE ROAD FROM GROUND ZERO -- THE AGE OF THE CUSTOMER -- Chapter 2: Carpe Diem -- THE EXTERNAL CHALLENGES YOU WILL FACE -- THE INTERNAL CHALLENGES YOU WILL FACE -- THE MULTIPLIER EFFECT -- IGNORE THE VOICE OF DOOM -- IT'S ONLY A VOICE -- BREAKING DOWN THE TRADITIONAL MIND-SET -- NO BETTER TIME TO GET STARTED THAN NOW -- THE CUSTOMER-CENTRIC CHECKLIST -- BUILDING A CUSTOMER-CENTRIC ORGANIZATION -- Chapter 3: Customer Relationships Have Changed -- CUSTOMERS ARE NOT CONNECTING THE WAY THEY USED TO -- CUSTOMERS DON'T BELIEVE WHAT BRANDS SAY ANYMORE -- REBUILDING CONFIDENCE IN YOUR BRAND -- THE RISE OF THE BRAND ADVOCATE -- HOW ELSE HAVE CUSTOMERS BEEN TRANSFORMED? -- THE RISE OF THE MILLENNIAL -- MILLENNIALS AREN'T ALONE -- BEHAVIOR ACROSS ALL AGES IS BEING TRANSFORMED -- THE RISE OF THE BRAND ADVOCATE -- PRIMING THE ADVOCATE PUMP -- BMW 1M CASE STUDY -- Chapter 4: From Funnel to the Journey -- MODEL 1. THE CUSTOMER DECISION JOURNEY -- MODEL 2. FROM DECISION POINTS TO MOMENTS OF TRUTH -- MODEL 3. ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH -- THE NEW MODEL: CUSTOMER PURCHASE JOURNEY -- THE ADVOCATE AND INFLUENCER LOOP -- CUSTOMER PURCHASE JOURNEY -- A NEW CUSTOMER ROI -- DEFINITION OF RETURN ON INVOLVEMENT -- THE RETURN ON INVOLVEMENT FORMULA -- Chapter 5: Brands Will Never Be the Same -- DOES A BRAND ADD VALUE? -- IF A BRAND HAS VALUE, WHAT ARE ITS VALUES? -- THEY'RE JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU -- SO WHAT'S A BRAND SUPPOSED TO DO? -- SO, WHAT'S NEXT? -- TELUS TALKS BUSINESS CASE STUDY -- Chapter 6: Customer Experience Strategy -- WHERE DOES CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE START? -- CENTER STRATEGIES ON CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVES -- NOT STRATEGY AS USUAL.. - MAKING TRANSFORMATION HAPPEN -- BREAKING NEW GROUND -- CUSTOMER CENTRICITY -- EXTERNAL INITIATIVES -- INTERNAL PROGRAMS -- TOUCHPOINT KNOWLEDGE -- MARKETING MANAGEMENT-PROCESS AND IMPLEMENTATION -- MARKETING SCIENCE-MEASURE AND LEARN -- Chapter 7: Building Relationships with the Advocate/Sharecaster -- WHY DO CUSTOMERS SHARE CONTENT? -- ORGANIZATIONAL MIND-SET -- SLICED AND DICED DISTRIBUTION -- MAKING THE CASE FOR DEMPSTER'S -- THE DEMONIZATION OF BREAD -- REBUILDING BREAD -- STAR IN YOUR OWN SEXY ROMANCE NOVEL-THE LAUNCH OF ZERO BREAD -- DIY SANDWICH EXPERT-LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE GUYS -- 2-MINUTE MORNING QUICKIE -- LISTENING IS AS IMPORTANT AS STORYTELLING: REAL-TIME MARKETING (RTM) -- CIBC FIFA WORLD CUP™ CANADIAN SPONSORSHIP -- CONTENT DEVELOPMENT -- FAN STANDINGS -- SUPER FANS CONTEST -- RESULTS -- 1. #BeAware -- 2. #BePrepared -- 3. #BeAppropriate -- 4. #BeTrue -- 5. #BeCreative -- 6. #BeBrave -- 7. #BeResilient -- 8. #BeRelevant -- WHERE DO YOU START? -- PLANNING -- ALIGN DECISION MAKERS BEFORE YOU START -- GETTING THE CONTENT STRATEGY RIGHT UP FRONT -- THE SHORT STORY BEHIND STORYTELLING-CREATIVE CONSIDERATIONS -- GETTING THE STORY OUT THERE -- THE ART OF CREATING VALUABLE CONTENT -- Chapter 8: Innovation in Demanding Times -- INSIGHTS ARE THE BEDROCK OF INNOVATIVE THINKING -- ORGANIZING FOR INNOVATION -- WHAT WE'VE DONE -- THE TORONTO SICKKIDS HOSPITAL PAIN SQUAD APP -- Chapter 9: The New Agency -- CHANGE OR DIE -- FROM THE CLIENT POINT OF VIEW -- MOVING FORWARD THE CUNDARI WAY -- WITH THESE LESSONS, WE MADE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES -- ANALYTICS THAT GENERATE ROI -- OUR NEW "TEAM-CENTRIC" MODEL -- Concluding Thoughts -- Notes -- Index -- End User License Agreement.. - The practical, expert guide to reaching the new consumer Customer-Centric Marketing is a comprehensive game plan on succeeding in the new marketing landscape by focusing on the customer. Written by one of Canada's top communications pioneers, this book examines the complex forces influencing the rise of empowered and demanding customers and outlines a framework that helps marketers exploit these forces to engage them. You'll find actionable advice to help you pull together these seemingly independent elements to create a customer-centric business model that is ideally positioned to take on the dynamic requirements of today's marketing environment, and learn the strategic rules that CMOs can use to model their organizations to win. Valuable insights on customer experience, innovation, content, social media, and operating strategies will help you formulate a workable plan, and when combined with the practical guidance and expert advice, enable you to put your plan into action today. The new purchasing journey has created a whole new set of customer touch points with unique needs, and has identified key activity areas that drive success or failure in the marketplace. This guide helps you sort it all out, and make your organization rise to the top. Define the new customer-purchasing journey Identify and influence the new consumer Engage, nurture, and utilize brand advocates to spread your message Position your organization to win in the new marketplace As customers evolve, smart companies evolve with them, and, with a track record that speaks for itself, putting the customer at the center of strategic thinking is the key to  a winning plan,. Consumer evolution is happening more rapidly than ever before, and keeping your organization out in front has never been more important. Customer-Centric Marketing provides the concrete framework, expert. - insight, and actionable advice that turns strategy into reality.

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