Effects of Climate Change on Energy Production and Use in the U.S..

Alrik M. Solberg
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (158 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USE IN THE U. S. -- EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USE IN THE U. S. -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- Chapter 2 INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. Background -- 1.2. The Topic of This Synthesis and Assessment Report -- 1.3. Previous Assessments of This Topic -- 1.4. How the Report Was Developed -- 1.5. How to Use This Report -- Chapter 3 EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY USE IN THE UNITED STATES -- 2.1. Introduction -- 2.2. Energy Consumption in Buildings -- 2.2.1. Overview -- 2.2.2. The Literature in Greater Detail -- 2.3. Effects of Climate Warming on Energy Use for Space Heating -- 2.3.1. Residential Space Heating -- 2.3.2. Commercial Space Heating -- 2.4. Effects of Climate Warming on Energy Use for Space Cooling -- 2.4.1. Residential Space Cooling -- 2.4.2. Commercial Space Cooling -- 2.4.3. Other Considerations: Market Penetration of Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps (All-Electric Heating and Cooling), and Changes in Humidity -- 2.5. Overall Effects of Climate Change on Energy Use in Buildings -- 2.5.1. Annual Energy Consumption -- 2.5.2. Peak Electricity Consumption -- 2.6. Adaptation: Increased Efficiency and Urban Form -- 2.7. Other Possible Effects, Including Energy Use in Key Sectors -- 2.7.1. Industry -- 2.7.2. Transportation -- 2.7.3. Construction -- 2.7.4. Agriculture -- 2.8. Summary of Knowledge about Possible Effects -- End Notes -- Chapter 4 EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES -- 3.1. Effects on Fossil and Nuclear Energy -- 3.1.1. Thermoelectric Power Generation -- 3.1.2. Energy Resource Production and Delivery -- 3.1.3. Transportation of Fuels -- 3.1.4. Extreme Events -- 3.1.5. Adaptation to Extreme Events -- 3.2. Effects on Renewable Energy Production -- 3.2.1. Hydroelectric Power.. - 3.2.2. Biomass Power and Fuels -- 3.2.3. Wind Energy -- 3.2.4. Solar Energy -- 3.2.5. Other Renewable Energy Sources -- 3.2.6. Summary -- 3.3. Effects on Energy Transmission, Distribution, And System Infrastructure -- 3.3.1. Electricity Transmission and Distribution -- 3.3.2. Energy Resource Infrastructure -- 3.3.3. Storage and Landing Facilities -- 3.3.4. Infrastructure Planning and Considerations for New Power Plant Siting -- 3.4. Summary of Knowledge about Possible Effects -- Chapter 5 POSSIBLE INDIRECT EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY PRODUCTION AND USE IN THE UNITED STATES -- Introduction -- 4.2. Current Knowledge about Indirect Effects -- 4.2.1. Possible Effects on Energy Planning -- 4.2.2. Possible Effects on Energy Production and Use Technologies -- 4.2.3. Possible Effects on Energy Production and Use Institutions -- Effects on the Institutional Structure of the Energy Industry -- Effects on Electric Utility Restructuring -- Effects on the Health of Fossil Fuel-Related Industries -- Effects on Other Supporting Institutions Such as Financial and Insurance Industries -- 4.3. Possible Effects on Energy-Related Dimensions of Regional and National Economies -- 4.4. Possible Relationships with Other Energy-Related Issues -- 4.4.1. Effects of Climate Change in Other Countries on U.S. Energy Production and Use -- 4.4.2. Effects of Climate Change on Energy Prices* -- 4.4.3. Effects of Climate Change on Environmental Emissions -- 4.4.4. Effects of Climate Change on Energy Security -- 4.4.5. Effects of Climate Change on Energy Technology and Service Exports -- 4.5. Summary of Knowledge about Indirect Effects -- End Notes -- Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RESEARCH PRIORITIES -- Introduction -- Conclusions about Effects -- 5.3. Considering Prospects for Adaptation -- 5.4. Needs for Expanding the Knowledge Base.. - 5.4.1 General Needs -- 5.4.2. Needs Related to Major Technology Areas -- End Notes -- Chapter 7 REFERENCES -- Chapter 8 ANNEX A - TECHNICAL NOTE: METHODS FOR ESTIMATING ENERGY CONSUMPTION -- Chapter 9 ANNEX B - ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS CONSULTED -- Chapter 10 ANNEX C - GLOSSARY -- A -- B -- C -- D -- E -- F -- G -- H -- I -- K -- L -- M -- O -- P -- Q -- R -- S -- T -- U -- V -- Chapter 11 ANNEX D - ACRONYMS -- INDEX -- Blank Page.

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