For a left populism

Chantal Mouffe
Bok Engelsk 2019
98 sider
Første gang utgitt : London : Verso : 2018. - The populist moment -- Learning from Thatcherism -- Radicalizing democracy -- The construction of a people.. - We are currently witnessing in Western Europe a "populist moment" that signals the crisis of neoliberal hegemony. The central axis of the political conflict will be between right- and left-wing populism. By establishing a frontier between "the people" and "the oligarchy," a left populist strategy could bring together the manifold struggles against subordination, oppression and discrimination.This strategy acknowledges that democratic discourse plays a crucial role in the political imaginary of our societies. And through the construction of a collective will, mobilizing common affects in defence of equality and social justice, it will be possible to combat the xenophobic policies promoted by right-wing populism.
populisme politisk ideologi demokrati statsvitenskap

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