Sell us the rope

Stephen May
Bok Engelsk 2022
Muir of Ord : Sandstone Press , [2022]
231 sider
May 1907. Young Stalin – poet, bank-robber, spy – is in London for the 5th Congress of the Russian Communist Party. As he builds his powerbase in the party, Stalin manipulates alliances with Lenin, Trotsky, and Rosa Luxemburg under the eyes of the Czar’s secret police. Meanwhile he is drawn to the fiery Finnish activist Elli Vuokko and risks everything in a relationship as complicated as it is dangerous.
Stalin, Josef (Сталин, Иосиф Виссарионович) , 1879-1953 - skjønnlitteratur
978-1-913207-88-5 : Nkr 134 .00

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