Prosecuting international crimes in Africa

Chacha Murungu & Japhet Biegon (editors)
Bok Engelsk
Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
Pt. I. General issues in the prosecution of international crimes. Duty to prosecute international crimes under international law / Ken Obura -- Immunity of state officials and the prosecution of international crimes / Chacha Murungu . Pt. II. International courts and the prosecution of international crimes in Africa . The contribution of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to the development of international criminal law / George William Mugwanya -- Prosecution and punishment of international crimes by the Special Court for Sierra Leone / Chacha Murungu -- Sentencing practices of the Special Court for Sierra Leone / Bonolo Dinokopila -- Politics of international criminal justice, the ICC's arrest warrant for Al Bashir and the African Union's neo-colonial conspirator thesis / Steve Odero. Pt. III. National courts and the prosecution of international crimes. The trial of Mengistu and other Derg members for genocide, torture and summary executions in Ethiopia / Firew Tiba -- The trial of Hissène Habré in Senegal and its contribution to the development of international criminal law / Kameldy Neldjingaye -- Prosecuting international crimes committed by the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda / Christopher Mbazira -- Genocide as prosecuted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and Gacaca Courts in Rwanda / Christian Garuka -- Prosecuting piracy in the Horn of Africa: the case of Kenya / Osogo Ambani. Pt. IV. The implementation of the Rome Statute in Africa. Positive complementarity and the fight against impunity in Africa / Benson Olugbuo -- Implementation of the Rome Statute in Malawi and Zambia: progress, challenges and prospects / Mwiza Nkhata -- Implementation of the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court in South Africa / Lee Stone.. - "Prosecuting international crimes in Africa contributes to the understanding of international criminal justice in Africa. The books argues for the rule of law, respect for human rights and the eradication of a culture of impunity in Africa. it is a product of peer-reviewed contributions from graduates of the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, where the Master's degree programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa has been presented since 2000"--Back cover.

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