Queer public history : essays on scholarly activism /

Marc Stein.
Bok Engelsk 2022
pages cm
Introduction -- Jonathan Ned Katz murdered me : history and suicide -- Memories of the 1987 March on Washington -- Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Survey on LGBTQ history careers -- Crossing borders : memories, dreams, fantasies, and nightmares of the history job market -- Post-tenure lavender blues -- Political history and the history of sexuality -- Coming out and going public : a history of lesbians and gay men taking to Queer Street, Philadelphia, USA -- Approaching Stonewall from the City of Sisterly and Brotherly Loves -- Recalling Dewey's sit-in -- Fifty years of LGBT movement activism in Philadelphia -- Heterosexuality in America : fifty years and counting -- Monica, Bill, History and Sex -- In my wildest dreams : advice for George Bush -- In my wildest dreams : the marriage that dare not speak its name -- From the glorious strike to Obama's new executive order -- "In my mind I'm (not) going to Carolina" -- Alienated affections : remembering Clive Michael Boutilier (1933-2003) -- The Supreme Court's sexual counter-revolution -- Immigration is a queer issue : from Fleuti to Trump -- Defectives of the world, unite! -- Queer eye for the FBI -- Gay rights and the Supreme Court : the early years -- Justice Kennedy and the future of same-sex marriage -- Five myths about Roe v. Wade -- Refreshing abominations : an open letter to Anthony Kennedy -- Introduction to the Philadelphia LGBT History Project -- U.S. homophile internationalism : archive and exhibit -- "Black lesbian in white America" : interviewing Anita Cornwell -- Toward a theory of the Stonewall revolution -- Queer rage : police violence and the Stonewall rebellion of 1969 -- A documentary history of Stonewall : an interview with Marc Stein -- Stonewall and Queens -- Recalling Purple Hands protests of 1969 -- Conclusion.. - "Over the course of the last half century, queer history has developed as a collaborative project involving academic researchers, community scholars, and the public. Initially rejected by most colleges and universities, queer history was sustained for many years by community-based contributors and audiences. Academic activism eventually made a place for queer history within higher education, which in turn helped queer historians become more influential in politics, law, and society. Through a collection of essays written over three decades by award-winning historian Marc Stein, Queer Public History charts the evolution of queer historical interventions in the academic sphere and explores the development of publicly oriented queer historical scholarship. From the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and the rise of queer activism in the 1990s to debates about queer immigration, same-sex marriage, and the politics of gay pride in the early twenty-first century, Stein introduces readers to key themes in queer public history. A manifesto for renewed partnerships between academic and community-based historians, strengthened linkages between queer public history and LGBT scholarly activism, and increased public support for historical research on gender and sexuality, this anthology reconsiders and reimagines the past, present, and future of queer public history"--
Geografisk emneord
9780520304307. - 9780520304314

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