Supporting the U.S. Army Human Resources Command's human capital strategic planning

Ralph Masi ... [et al.].
Bok Engelsk
Introduction -- Personnel competency modeling -- Workforce analysis for the new HRC -- Closing competency gaps -- Conclusions and recommendations.. - This document reports findings from a project whose objective was to support the human capital strategic planning (HCSP) activities of the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) as it reorganizes and relocates to Fort Knox, Kentucky. The project had three tasks. The principal one was to identify personnel competencies that HRC staff must have. A second task was to identify and characterize gaps between these competency requirements and HRC's ability to address them over the near and long terms, in terms of both skills and overall manpower availability. A final task was to develop training concepts first to narrow and then close the identified gaps. This work should interest those engaged in strategic personnel analysis. The techniques described here would apply to any organization that had to ensure that its staff personnel competencies were adequate to meet future demands. Others who would be interested in this research are those who must geographically relocate their organizations into a markedly different job market. The techniques described here will facilitate an analysis of what a new job market could provide and ways to offset a lack of specific personnel skills. This work will also interest those involved in personnel recruitment and training issues related to Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) in particular as well as those related to Army human capital strategic planning and Army transformation more generally. Development of this research progressed from (1) attempting to depict the future environment as realistically as possible, to (2) mapping personnel competency requirements using survey results, to (3) characterizing quantitative and quality gaps in personnel competency availability, to (4) articulating essential training principles, along with a strategic approach to meet those requirements.

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