The road to Palmyra

edited by Anne Marie Nielsen and Rubina Raja
Bok Engelsk 2019 The road to Palmyra,· udstillingskataloger
[Kbh.] : : Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, , 2019
284 sider : illustrasjoner
Utgitt i forbindelse med utstillingen "The Road to Palmyra", Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 20. september 2019-1. mars 2020. - Innhold: The road to Palmyra / Anne Marie Nielsen and Rubina Raja. Anne Marie Nielsen: Palmyra in the Glyptotek. Rubina Raja: Harald Ingholt and Palmyra ; Portrait habit in Palmyra ; Religious banquets in Palmyra and the Palmyrene banqueting tesserae. Annie Satre-Fauriat: The discovery and reception of Palmyra. Michał Gawlikowski: The making of a city. Jean-Baptiste Yon: Palmyra and its elites. Peter Edwell: Palmyra between Rome and the Parthians. Eivind Heldass Seland: The trade of Palmyra. Agnes Henning: Houses of eternity. Maura K. Heyn: Valuable impressions of women in Palmyra. Nathanael Andrade: Zenobia of Palmyra. Ted Kaizer: Gods, temples, and cults. Emanuele E. Intagliata: The city that would not fall. New research from Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek - pigments in ancient Palmyra / Signe Buccarella Hedegaard and Cecilie Brøns. - Om kulturen i antikkens Palmyra med utgangspunkt i Glyptotekets samling av antikke gravportretter
Geografisk emneord
Palmyra : (NO-TrBIB)HUME02086. - Syria : (NO-TrBIB)HUME02080. - Syrien

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