Effects of the Executive Development Program and Aligned Coaching for School Principals in Three U.S. States: Investing in Innovation Study Final Report

Benjamin K. Master
Bok Engelsk 2020
Annen tittel
Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND Corporation , 2020
In this report, part of a series on professional development for school principals, the authors analyze the effects of a large-scale implementation of the National Institute for School Leadership's (NISL's) Executive Development Program (EDP) and paired coaching for middle school principals in three states. The EDP is a widely used principal professional development program that previously has been shown to have a positive influence on student achievement outcomes. For this study, NISL-certified coaches offered at least 60 hours of one-on-one coaching to principals. The implementation of the EDP and coaching spanned three states, 332 schools, and 118 school districts. The study examined the implementation of the EDP and coaching, the perceptions of participants, and the impacts of the professional development. The authors considered both the impacts of the offer of and the full participation in the EDP and coaching on student academic outcomes and on school practices, as measured by principal and teacher surveys.

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