Alternatives to prison in developing countries

Stern, Vivien
Bok Engelsk Vivien Stern
International Centre for Prison Studies, 1999.
195 p.
In developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America there are few alternatives to prison. Many convicted offenders and defendants awaiting trial end up in overcrowded, disease-ridden prison cells, with scanty food and no access to health care. In some countries death rates prison are very high. In this book Vivien Stern shows that in placing prison at the centre of their penal systems many developing countries are following models imposed from elsewhere. Their indigenous systems have a different focus. Thus the movement she describes for the establishment of alternatives to prison in developing countries has broad significance, not just for the countries themselves but also for the Western world, where prison populations are frowing and public support for alternatives to prison is half-hearted at best. The case studies and appendices containing detailed legislative and administrative guidance will be a valuable tool for practitioners in developing countries and a stimulus to those in the developed world.

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