Aktuelle Forschungen zur Landnutzungs- und Kulturgeschichte des Nordseeküstenraums : = Current research on the land use and cultural history of the North Sea coastal region

hrsg. vom Niedersächsischen Institut für historische Küstenforschung (Wilhelmshaven)
Bok Tysk 2021 · Antologier
Tekstet på: Engelsk
Annen tittel
245 sider : illustrasjoner, kart, diagrammer
"The eight contributions to this volume report on current research on land use and cultural history in the North Sea region. The first chapter is dedicated to the systematic search for well-preserved Mesolithic settlement traces and the discovery of birch bark mats in western East Frisia. The find suggests the existence of a well-preserved Late Mesolithic camp in a boggy location. This is followed by an archaeological and metallurgical study which clarifies the origin and historical context of the famous Heligoland copper Reißscheiben ingots. Undoubtedly, however, it is the Roman period that forms the chronological focus of this volume. The five corresponding chapters discuss new insights on Celtic fields identified in East Frisia, as well as settlement archaeology in the Cuxhaven district and new interdisciplinary work at the cemeteries of Fallward and Apensen, well-known across a wider region. Attention centres on the discussion of methodological questions regarding the investigation of organic artefacts in the laboratory, but also on the new and exciting culture-historical insights this yields. The volume ends with a contribution on an Italian majolica vessel, discovered during the renovation of a church in Varel. The item reached northern Europe in the course of the 14th century and thereby highlights connections between the Mediterranean and North Sea areas in the Late Middle Ages." -- Forlaget
Antologier : (NO-TrBIB)HUME29628

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