Option paralysis

The Dillinger Escape Plan
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Hardrock
Puciato, Greg (utøver)
Rymer, Billy (utøver)
Tuttle, Jeff (utøver)
Weinman, Benjamin (utøver)
Wilson, Liam (utøver)
[S.l.] : Season of Mist , 2010
1 CD : digital
Season of Mist: SOM200. - Tekstene finnes i tekstheftet. - Innhold: Farewell, Mona Lisa ; Good neighbor ; Gold teeth on a bum ; Crystal morning ; Endless endings ; Widower ; Room full of eyes ; Chinese whispers ; I wouldn't if you didn't ; Parasitic twins. - Dillinger Escape Plan: Greg Puciato, vokal ; Liam Wilson, bass ; Bill Rymer, trommer ; Benjamin Weinman, gitar, piano + Jeff Tuttle, vokal (Gold teeth on a bum, Crystal morning, Parasitic twin)

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Option paralysis
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Dillinger Escape Plan

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 2010

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